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After school was over, Kitana accompanied Sarah as she was struggling to keep herself in check with her hunger. Juice box after another, she was sipping the substance from the straw like her life depended on it, and it seemed like the purpose of it being a substitute for blood was going down the drain for not giving satisfaction. They walked together down the sidewalk while Sarah pulled out her phone from her pocket.

She opened up her contacts to show on the screen, scrolling down to the name she was going to be calling. The fledgling listened to the ringing tone against her ear as she waiting for the boy to answer the call. "Sarah?" Ethan's voice asked on the other side of the line. "What's up?"

"This junk tastes like a punch in the mouth, and it's kind of making me mad," Sarah told him bluntly.

"Benny's grandma's out of town at a sorcery convection for a week," Ethan informed her in a hushed, apologetic tone, "or... however long it takes to summon a demon."

"Well, I guess everyone wants me to go eat rats again!" She raised her voice at him, which caused Kitana to raise her eyebrows. She can see that the fledgling's crave for blood was not getting any better as the time was passing in the day. "Old rat-biter Sarah. Fine!"

Kitana crossed her arms over her chest, staring blankly ahead when a guy walking toward them to get pass them. "I'll be in the graveyard eating rats like a loser!" Sarah exclaimed, hanging up on the boy. The guy that walked around the two of them looked back at Sarah strangely, taking a pause.

"Nothing to see here," Kitana shrugged, telling the guy that stopped to look at Sarah for what she said.

"Keep moving!" Sarah dismissed him, making him keep walking away from them.

"Come on, let's go," Kitana muttered, edging Sarah that they should get going so that the fledgling can get what she needed.

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Getting to the misty graveyard all while the moon started to come out, Sarah was on the hunt for the usual rats that scamper around the grounds. She walked along the grass while kneeling low, darting her eyes from left to right for a small creature.

"You want me to catch one for you?" Kitana offered, standing off behind her by a few feet. She never would have thought she would befriend anyone like she did with Sarah and the rest of them. Looks like there's a first for everything.

"No, I can do it myself," Sarah waved off the offer. The warrior princess respected Sarah's determination. It reminded her of herself -- like looking in a mirror. She heard a small rat squeak in front of her, and turned to look at Sarah with the expecation that she caught it. Only that wasn't the case.

"Sarah," the warrior princess whispered in the dark in a dissappointed manner. She exhaled sharply, looking around the dark cemetery grounds that were visible from the source of the illuminating moon. Her brown eyes examined the perimeter of the grass, looking for any sign of possible movement. She did, however, hear Erica's voice now slightly behind her talking to Sarah.

"You should recycle instead of littering in our green spaces," Erica spoke with a smug grin as she was witnessing Sarah's frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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