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t h r e e ; evil dead

After the boys had left to go to school, Kitana had only lasted a few minutes staying in Ethan's room until she started to get bored. She got up from sitting on the edge of the bed, and craned her neck her neck to the side until she felt and heard the crack of the bones. A content sigh left her lips as she did so, and going over to the bedroom door. Her hand circled around the doorknob and pulled it open.

"Oh, Kitana!" Mrs. Morgan said as she exited the bathroom. Kitana froze her movements, her mind swirling as she was paranoid of what could happen within two seconds.

"Hi," Kitana managed to let out with a forced yet a bit awkward smile.

"Well, yesterday you heard that tonight was the dinner my husband is having with a new client and his family," Mrs. Morgan explained, and Kitana nodding in agreement. "Well, I was hoping that you wouldn't mind helping out," she asked hopefully for her assistance.

Kitana seemed hesitant on giving an answer, not knowing if she should agree and help out but more than likely not knowing a single thing to do. If she could figure it out, or think of the idea, she could just order some takeout and serve it to them.

"And I might have to have another helping hand as well, so you won't be alone," Samantha added for reassurance when she saw Kitana's uneasy and worried expression.

"Um, yeah, yeah," the princess finally answered, and knowing that Mrs. Morgan will be finding someone to be helping her out with the dinner setup and everything. It's better to have an extra helping hand than making a complete fool of yourself.

"Thank you so much!" Samantha thanked, relieved that she, as of at the moment has one of two people to be helping her out with the dinner later that afternoon. "I owe you big time!"

It would be a huge lie if she would say that she had it under control, she knew that for a fact that she wouldn't be able to pull off a dinner with her husband's new client and his family. More than likely they would be sliding the food down to the floor or any plants that they have by the dining room table. Either that or they would be mixing the food around the plate to make it look like they ate some of the "delicious" cooking.

"Alright, I gotta go," Mrs. Morgan told Kitana, pointing her thumb over her shoulder that she'd better get going. A thought occurred to her, though. "Wait, do you not go to school?"

The Edenian princess bit her tongue for a second, trying to quickly come up with a lie from the top of her head. "Um, school has messed up with..." she trailed off, not knowing if there was a right term for what she was intending on, "putting me in there."

"Your enrollment?" Samantha asked with her eyebrows raised in wonder.

"Yeah, that," she answered as she pointed at the woman for confirming it.

"Oh, well maybe they might be able to get that problem fixed soon," Samantha shrugged as her voice was filled with hopefulness.

"Yeah, maybe," Kitana mumbled lightly under her breath, fiddling with a loose thread at the hem of Ethan's shirt she was wearing.

"Education is needed!" Mrs. Morgan told her as she turned on her heel to walk down the hallway so that she could head out. "I'll see you later, Kitana!" She walked down the staircase, shutting the door and leaving the thud of the slam echo throughout the quiet residence.

Kitana ♛ Ethan MorganWhere stories live. Discover now