
5K 190 26

t e n ; suspicions

Over the next few days, Kitana started to get accustomed to posing as a normal teenage girl that attended Whitechapel High. Sure, it may be difficult for her to actually act like if she were really human, but she was quite the observer. That was the way she picked up on things in the human world, and it would ease any suspicion along with not drawing any attention to herself.

Kitana had also been over at Sarah's so that she could get help in academics. It's not that Ethan wasn't any help, really, it wasn't that at all. He tried helping her before but Benny would always be over too and everything would go downhill from there because of his constant goofing around.

They stayed up late so that Kitana could figure out the math assignment, and ended up falling asleep in the process. When they got to school the next morning, Sarah began to explain to her about what Benny texted her the night before.

"He claims that David Stachowski is he and Ethan's new jock BFF," Sarah informed her when they got to Kitana's locker.

Before she could talk about it any further, Kitana stopped her with the question, "What the heck is 'BFF'?" The phrase was foreign to Kitana, that being that it was slang, which she's not caught up on. It was a brief subject that was discussed about the other day, but not to specifics.

"Best friend forever."

The term 'forever' was funny to Kitana. She knew that humans can't live by that phrase for its literal meaning when they're mortals; they weren't going to live on forever, unlike immortals like her. So why use that phrase?

"Okay so who's... whatever name you just said?" Names and faces in the school were probably not one of her main priorities. If anything, it may even be the last thing she had to worry about. She may be trying to fit into the high school lifestyle but that didn't include memorizing who exactly the "popular" kids of Whitechapel High are.

"It's this guy that is the captain of a whole bunch of sports," Sarah said. Kitana nodded her head in understanding and shut her locker. "And is allegedly now friends with the two geeks." They both lightly laughed as she said that, wondering if it may be Benny is giving false information. They turned on their heels and walked down the hallway together.

As they were about to turn a corner, Sarah noticed there was a small group of guys that were hanging out by the wall of lockers. She saw two of them stare at Kitana as she and her walked together, and noticeably checked her out as they whispered lowly.

Kitana didn't pay attention to her surroundings, so she didn't notice it. And she didn't know about it until right when they passed them, she heard what sounded like two guys whistling. The two girls turned their heads to see where exactly they could've pinpointed where it came from, and saw the group of guys were looking directly at them. They were laughing and flirtatiously smiling, which made Kitana give them a murderous glare in return. "Gosh, it's like they've never seen a girl before," she told Sarah when she turned back around.

Sarah shook her head and pulled Kitana with her so that they could just keep walking and leave that behind so that they could forget about it. "Boys," Sarah told her in disgust.

Kitana ♛ Ethan MorganWhere stories live. Discover now