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f o u r ; wicked witch

Ethan finished getting ready for school, pulling his backpack strap over his shoulder. Kitana stood up, stretching and cracking her back in the process. "Oh! Before I forget..." Ethan told her, pulling out his wallet. He took out a twenty dollar bill along with a five dollar bill and a few ones. "Here."

"What's this for?" she asked, not taking it until Ethan had grabbed her hand, placing the bills in it.

"So you can buy clothes," he answered, not wanting to remove his hand from hers at first, but thought that she would think he was weirder than he already was. Slowly but subtly, he removed his hand from hers, gripping his backpack strap.

"But yours are so comfortable," she told him, looking down at the money in her hand.

Ethan smiled slightly, thinking it was cute how she was comfortable in his clothes. "Thanks?"

"Alright," Kitana nodded. She shook her head then, not having a clue where a place is that she can buy clothes. "Where do I buy clothes?"

He chuckled, taking a small paper from his desk and a pen so that he can guide her from the house to a store down the street where they sell at low prices. Right after that he would be on his way to school.

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"Oh, come on," Benny and Ethan heard Erica say as they neared her and Sarah, looking at the cheerleaders as they stood behind their table for girls to sign up. "Who's gonna miss just one?" Erica asked, making her way to the table to sign up.

"I will!" Benny exclaimed, having a deep fond of the cheerleaders at their school.

"Isn't this kind of like letting Magneto join X-Men?" Ethan asked his best friend and Sarah.

"I'll assume that's "geek speak" for a fox in the henhouse thing," Sarah said, not knowing what the heck Ethan was talking about. "If you have any ideas for how I can stop her, I'm all ears."

Benny and Ethan looked toward the cheerleaders and the sign up table as the three girls did simple routine cheers. "You can join too," Ethan suggested.

"Oh, no, no, no, no," Sarah refused, already hating the idea of her actually being a cheerleader, let alone even signing up for it. "There has to be another way."

Benny and Ethan smiled, moving their hands as if they were doing a cheer, trying to encourage their friend. Sarah's stomach dropped, hearing the cheerleaders cheer on for girls to sign up.

Sarah had no other choice but to sign up, which is why at the moment she went into the bathroom to change into the cheer uniform.

"Cowabunga!" Benny exclaimed as he and Ethan saw the vampire changed into a cheerleading uniform.

"Do not say anything!" Sarah enunciated, pointing at the two best friends. She was able to tell from their facial expressions - more Benny because he couldn't stop grinning like an idiot - that they were enjoying the moment of looking at her as a cheerleader.

"You look... peppy," Benny told her. He rose his eyebrows, about to add something else, "And also --"

She cut him off, ready to either punch him herself or ask a certain somebody else to a job for her. "Say something else, and I'll ask Kitana to rip your throat out," she warned, her hand up in front of her challengingly.

Kitana ♛ Ethan MorganWhere stories live. Discover now