Chapter Three - At War

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A/N: Only on chapter three and i've already got over 1000 reads, guys you are seriously the best

Cas woke up feeling nauseous and sweaty and uncomfortable. He felt like he was going to be sick but knew that he could hold the feeling down as he stirred awake slowly. He turned around to face the wall only to realise that there was somebody else in his bed.

"Oh Jesus H. Christ." He groaned, he knew exactly who is was and why he was here but it still made Cas more sick as he remembered his actions from the night before. He also realised why he was feeling really sweaty, he was wearing the bikers friggin' jacket.

Well he supposed that made sense as he didn't want Dean to see his tattoos from the Hell's or anything so he decided it was a good idea to keep the jacket on until he could get to his bathroom and put on some clothes

That was wishful thinking however as a few moments later Dean stirred awake beside him. He opened his eyes and stretched, yawning loudly before sitting up. Castiel blushed and wrapped his arms around his knees, trying to make himself smaller as if the biker wouldn't notice him.

"Morning, rebel." Dean says, smirking widely at Castiel who blushed again and looked away from Dean. "What's wrong? Not feeling so confident anymore?" He chuckled.

"This was a bad idea." Cas groans and rubs his hand across his face before shaking his head.

"Well obviously, all one night stands are a bad idea. Especially drunk ones." Dean shrugs and starts lighting up a cigarette in the middle of his bed!

"What are you doing!? You need to go outside if you want to smoke!" Cas complains and huffs as Dean blows the smoke into Castiel's face.

"Relax chubby, i didn't get chance to smoke after sex last night, you were too much all over me." He grins again and Cas groans and shakes his head. "I do like you naked in my jacket though. It's a good look on you."

Cas looks down at himself and nods his head slightly before pulling the jacket tighter around him. It was slightly too big for him, too long at the arms and could almost wrap around him twice. He did look pretty good in it though, he always had looked good in leather jackets.

"Why did you just call me chubby?" He asks, looking back over at Dean. Dean shrugged and took another drag out of his cigarette.

"You're chubby. Not a bad thing though, i love some love-handles." He grins and Cas rolls his eyes and starts to stand up to get out of bed. "Wow, nice view!"

Cas sits quickly back down again and glares at Dean who had his eyebrows raised and started wiggling them suggestively. Cas blushes and looks down at his lap while Dean sits up and puts his hands on Castiel's waist and rests his chin against the smaller boys shoulder.

"Thanks for the great night, rebel." He whispers in Castiel's ear before pressing a kiss on his cheek. "We should do it again some time."

Dean stands up, smirking slightly and walks into the bathroom. Cas can't help but stare at the bikers ass and sweet tattoos as he closes the door behind him. As soon as the door was shut however, Castiel rushed to throw off the biker jacket and pull on some clothes to keep his own tattoos hidden. He had no idea what Dean would do if he found out that Cas used to be and actually technically still was a Hell's Angel.

He was in the middle of putting his socks on when Dean came back out of the bathroom, picking up his jacket off the floor.

"What a shame, I kinda liked the look of you in that." He says, straightening it out and putting it on over his own clothes.

"This was a mistake." Cas mumbles out, tying his shoelaces. "A huge, huge mistake."

"What's wrong? Did i pop your cherry or something?" Dean snorted, slipping on his own shoes but not bothering to do the laces up.

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