Chapter Eighteen - Jealousy

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Cas was bored. So very very bored. And he was sick of the sight of dean dangling beautiful porn stars in front of him. The biker was all over these girls and Cas hated that, he hated the feeling of jealousy he got. Not because he wanted dean back, he was just pissed off because he know dean was doing it on purpose. The bastard.

Cas gritted his teeth and looked down at his hands as Dean laughed a bit too loudly with one of the girls. Finally he stood up and walked out of the place, out into the car park. He could feel Dean staring at him while he walked out but suddenly the eyes were off him when the door closed shut.

Cas had only made it a few steps before he could hear the door behind him open again. He spun around to see Dean standing there, looking at him.

"What?" Cas asks sickly. "I only came out for a bit of fresh air. All I can smell in there is smoke."

Cas slowly turned back around again and crossed his arms moodily over his chest. He could feel deans eyes still glaring into the back of him and it sent shivers down his spine. It was strange that less than a year ago he and Dean were together, were in love, and now... Well all Cas could feel off Dean was hate.

"I don't think that's the only reason you came outside." He heard Dean say and Cas slowly turned back around again, squinting his eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asks, grimacing slightly as Dean gave him that shit eating grin.

"I think you came outside because he were jealous." Dean shrugged as if it were the most casual thing in the world. Cas once found his bluntness so charming and funny, now it just got on his nerves.

"I was not jealous." He snapped angrily and glared at Dean. I just feel so trapped in there. I have a university course to finish and none of you are letting me out of your sight. I hate my family alright, I hate what they are and I just want to get the hell away from bikers! I'm so fucking sick of them all!"

There was a moment of silence as Dean lifted his eyebrow slightly.

"Have you finished your little rant then?" He says finally and Cas groans in annoyance and flings his arms up in the air hopelessly.

"See this is what I mean, Dean! I have a perfectly good reason to rant because all bikers have done to me is ruin my life. My family made me an evil killer. My father made me hate my own sexuality. And the worst? My own boyfriend tried to kill me because I was too afraid to tell him the truth of who k was and where I came from."

"You were afraid..." It was more of a statement then a question, as if the biker was suddenly realising something.

"Of course I was afraid, I was fucking terrified! If what you and your family would do to me. But the moments we had together made me forget my whole past because I genuinely thought that you and I  could have had a future together."

Dean stood there silently, and once again Cas couldn't read the expression on his face. The man was like blank cover of a book, and you could only know what he was thinking and feeling if he told you.

Cas sighs and shakes his head before running a hand down his face.

"Forget it, Dean." He says. "I don't blame you for the way you acted. You acted like any other biker would."

"But I'm not just any other biker, Cas." Dean says quietly. "I believe you when you say you're not part of the hells anymore. And I understand why you didn't tell me the truth to begin with."

"Really?" Cas says in surprise. "So you... You don't hate me?"

Dean scrunched his face up slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

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