Chapter Eleven - Guns

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Castiel was worried every time he walked the streets that he would see one of the Hell's Angels and they would drag him back to his father. He didn't want to see his family, but he couldn't get away from Gabriel or Balthazar, and he especially could get away from Zandriel's curious glare. 

Every time she saw him she would ask him so many questions. Why hadn't been back to the flat? Had he been to see Dean? Why did he go and see Dean? Etc etc. Cas was fed up of all of the questions and cut his sister off by asking her when the club was leaving the town.

"We will leave when shit gets done." She shrugs and swigs on her beer that Cas gave her, inspecting her false nails. Cas didn't even know how she rode the bike with the long nails or kept her hair in perfect place down her back when she took off the helmet. 

"What are you trying to get done?" Cas sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose before rubbing his head.

"Oh well you know, Chuck is biting the heads off any bikers who gets in his way and to be honest i think he is only trying to impress Michael to try and make him be the leader of the club." Ze shrugged. "But Michael still don't wanna be president. And Lucifer is bitching and whining about dad not letting him instead."

"Why will he never consider you?" Cas asks.

"No other club will take Hell's Angels seriously if a woman was a president. I guess it's very paralleled with the US too." She snorted and gulped down the rest of her beer before standing up. "Look, i better head of kiddo. One more word before i go though...."

Cas was expecting her to go on about Dean again and be wary of him like she had been saying for the past hour and a half to him, but to his surprise, she didn't say a word about that. What she said confused Cas even more.

"Dad really misses you, Cas. He loves you, you know that. I think you just shocked him with your sexuality was all, he doesn't hate you for being gay and accepts your decisions in life. He would never want to kick you out of the club just for liking it up the ass." Cas winced slightly and Zandriel grinning and softly knocked him in the face with her gloved fist.  "I'll see you around soldier." 

"Bye." Castiel whispered out as Ze made her way out of the door and back down to her motorbike. He sighed and leant back in his study chair, staring out of his window solemnly. So his dad didn't hate him after all.

*2 months later*

Dean lets himself into Castiel's room without even a knock and plonks himself down on the boys bed while Cas types away on his laptop.

"Hey." Cas mumbles out, not really paying any attention to Dean. He did turn around finally when Dean didn't reply to him as he assumed that something must be wrong with his biker. "You okay?"

Dean looked pretty stressed out and fed up with life as he lay on Castiel's bed, arms over his face as he breathed slowly. Finally he removed his arms from his face and looked at Castiel with a frown.

"Yeah i'm okay. It's just that... never mind. I don't want to bore you with it."

"You could never bore me." Cas calls him out softly and turns off his laptop before going to sit beside Dean on the bed, wrapping his arms around him. "Tell me what's wrong, Dean?"

"If I tell you, will you promise to not freak out or be upset?" Dean asks, looking up at Cas with pleading eyes while Cas just raised an eyebrow.

"Depends what it is." He answered truthfully. Dean took a deep breath in and sat up to face Castiel properly. 

"Okay. Well, dad is running guns for the Real IRA, that means the Irish Republican Army who sells guns and drugs and all sorts of illegal shit to this country, is getting into some serious shit. He has a good relationship with the Irish kings but i think i'm going to be pressured into having the same relationship and... well i'm not sure if i want to be in the gun business any more." 

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