Chapter Fifteen - University

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It took Dean a few weeks to find out that Novak had left town. It made him so damn angry that the bastard could just run away like that. Was he a fucking biker or not?!

When Dean did find out, he paced his room angrily, gripping onto the black gun in his hand. It hasn't left his side since he found out about Novak and he didn't think he could trust anybody else again after what he had done.

John and Sam were planning to go after the rest of the novaks as a revenge tactic but it wasn't long after Castiel that they left town as well. The Winchesters had their town back and everything should have gone back to normal, but it didn't for Dean. Mary picked up on that straight away.

"You loved him, didn't you?" She asks and Dean, as he stared mindlessly at the wall where all of his pictures were hung, nodded his head once. He was staring at a picture that Cas had taken of himself and Dean, laying in bed together. Dean was fast asleep and drooling in it but Cas ... Novak looked down damn cute; his sex hair flopping against the pillow and his small tongue stuck out of his mouth.

"He lied to you, Dean. He can't get away with tricking you like that. Trying to get all the secrets of our club just so he could go back to his own family and tell them everything. Especially when we took him in as if he was one of our own. He can't get away with it." Mary shook her head.

She absolutely hated people messing with her family. Anybody that did would usually get a smack in the face or a bullet in the head depending on the amount of disrespect. In Novaks case, it was definitely leaning more towards the bullet side.

"Mom..." Dean began and sighed before shaking his head. "I'm not so sure he was tricking us."

"What do you mean?" His mother asked sharply, narrowing her eyes. Dean shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I just- I don't know. I don't think anybody is that good of a liar. And you see what he did straight after I found out who he was. He completely vanished, not even his family has seen or heard anything from him. They thought we had kidnapped him at first..."

"Dean, Castiel is not innocent in all of this-" his mother started but Dean cut her off

"I know that." He said quickly. "I know that he completely betrayed me and this whole club but... If he was truly a Hells Angel, he would be after us like a lion after an antelope. He's not like the other Angels. He's- he's different."

***six months later*** (whoa big time jump)

He walks out of the bar, tipsy but not too drunk that he couldn't stand up straight. His hard leather boots stomped on the ground and the hairs stood up on his knees where his jeans were ripped. He still wore the leather jacket, it stopped the wind from freezing him down to his bones.

He looked up at the rainy sky and felt the droplets pour into his face and down his cheeks. He licked a few drops of water from his lips before looked up and down the street, shrugging his jacket tighter around him.

Castiel Novak was back in Lawrence, Kansas.

Cas ran a hand through his soaking wet hair and made his way towards the university. The friends that he had made there were now living in sorority and fraternity houses, but he knew that Charlie would be the most likely bet to let him stay. He wasn't too sure which house she was in but he could take a wild guess and assume it was the smallest, most geeky one. She wasn't into all that pink girl, make up loving stuff. Not like there was anything wrong with that, but it just wasn't Charlie.

He knocked on the door he assumed to be Charlie's sorority house and waited in the rain for the door to finally open. It opened up to find a small blonde girl there, part of his hair was braided tightly against her head while the other part hung loosely down her right shoulder.

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