Chapter Five - Bisexual Bikers

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Cas held on tightly to Dean's waist as they rode into the car park of the Winchester Club House. If Castiel's father knew he was here right now, there was no telling what the leader of Hells Angels would do to the boy. However being on the back of Dean's bike reminded Cas of how much he missed riding his own bike which was still currently being unused back at Hells MC. 

Cas had hoped to God that his father hadn't touched the bike in case Cas was to ever come home for it. Damn he did miss riding so much; and thought that maybe one day he would get the chance to wear the colours and be apart of Hells again. It wasn't as if he particularly wanted to be apart of the club, he just missed his family and the bikes and the laughs that they all had together. All of Castiel's oldest friends were in the MC and being at Winchester Gospels Motorcycle Club made him miss them even more. 

"Welcome to WGO!" Dean calls behind him as soon as he parked the bike up. The two boys got off and Castiel looked around, smiling broadly before pulling his face in confusion.


"Yeah, Winchester Gospels Original. We are the original charter you see but then there are charters in different towns. For example there is Winchester Gospels Kentucky and places like that. We are all over America now." Cas nodded his head slowly and bit the inside of his lip. Chuck had absolutely no idea at what rate Winchester Gospels was growing, and already Cas had gotten the information. However he wasn't going to pass it on any time soon as why the hell should he help his father after what he had done to Castiel. 

"It's nice. Do you work in the garage?" Cas asks and Dean nods his head. "Yeah, i sort of split my shifts between the garage and the scrap yard for cars. I prefer the garage on most days though because fixing bikes and cars in my speciality."

Before Cas could answer, an elder man walked up to both Cas and Dean. 

"Oh, Cas. This is my dad, John." Dean introduced and Castiel's eyes went wide before nodding at John who extended his hand for Cas to take.

"Nice to meet you." John replied in a gruff voice which reminded Cas very much of his own dad. Tall, scary, big built and looked as if he could crush you with a snap of his fingers. 

"You too sir."

"Just John will do." John grinned.

"Okay Just John. I mean, er.. John." Cas bumbled out while Dean laughed loudly. 

"I'll be right back okay?" Dean says, patting Castiel's shoulder and walking a bit away with his father to talk privately. Cas was left to his own devices for a little while so he decided to look around the garage at the bikes and cars that the club was building up or fixing. 

Cas picked up a wrench and inspected it like it was the most interesting thing in the world but jumped and turned around when he heard a clatter from behind him. He turned to see a taller man with longish brown hair swearing and picking up some tools.

"Oh hello." Cas says and the man looks up and locked eyes with Cas.

"H-hey." He says a bit flustered and straightened up. Cas had underestimated the size of him as he straightened up and almost had to crane his neck to look into his eyes. He smiles slightly and nods his head.  "Oh, i'm Sam." The man extended his hand for Cas to shake and Cas took it in his.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Castiel." Cas replies and the man grins and nods his head, still looking into Castiel's eyes. 

"Yeah you too. So erm, er what brings you here? You need fixing? I mean your car, does your car need fixing?" The man fumbled on his words which makes Cas smile slightly.

"Oh no, i don't own a car." He laughs slightly. 


"Wait, Sam did you say?" Sam nods his head. "You must Dean's little brother."

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