Chapter Fourteen - The Symbols of my Life

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Everything happened so quickly after that. Cas wasn't going to just sit back and wait for Dean to come and try and kill him. He didn't want to hurt Dean, he felt for him too much to ever hurt him. But if the young biker hurt Cas, Cas wasn't going to just lay back and take it.

He was never the type to lay back and take it. Maybe in school with the bullies, but that's only because those bullies didn't deserve his wrath, they didn't actually bother him all that much anyway and he could cope with a few mean comments now and again.

Cas went back home, well not home, but to where his family was staying in Lawrence. He knew that they didn't belong there, and never seemed to get to know why they were even there in the first place. All of that didn't matter now, though. All that mattered was it was kill or be killed by his own boyfriend. The man who he had slowly fallen in love with.

Everyone seemed to know about their relationship now. The Winchester bikers were furious with Castiel for "luring" Dean, even though technically Cas hadn't done anything wrong. He did know that this was going to happen sooner or later though, which is why everything kicked off so quickly.

Any time a Winchester saw and Angel a fight broke loose. Castiel was getting familiar with his Harley Davidson again, along with his gun that now never left his side. He didn't attend any more lectures at the university because he knew that the Winchesters would be watching the uni and his accommodation. He just hoped Charlie and Meg and the rest of his flatmates were safe. He couldn't get in contact with them so they must be worried sick about him.

Cas was in the middle of lighting up a cigarette while staring at his newly polished bike. His heart was down to his boots as his mind travelled on all memories of Dean. On how his eyes crinkled when he laughed. On the way he would wrap Cas in his jacket and swoon over him. On the way he was way to over-protective and was ready to fight anyone who looked at him funny. Finally the way his body felt underneath his own, muscles ripped and strong arms holding him.

Cas bit his lip and shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind but that didn't work. He barely even noticed Lucifer walking into the garage and standing there with his arms crossed, still looking at him.

"Can I ask you a question?" Lucifer asked which jump started Cas out of the daydream he was having.

"Erm, sure." Cas replied after he had gotten over the scare. "What's up?"

"What did you ever see in Dean Winchester?" Lucifer asked and Cas sighed and shrugged and biting his lip again.

"What didn't I see in him is more of the question. I tried to avoid him at first, i really did. But he's one of those types of guys that is so easy to fall for. He is smooth, cheeky and a little rough around the edges which is my type of guy. I made the mistake of not telling him about myself earlier. If i had, then... well it would never have gotten this far. We could have just gone our seperate ways without this new-found war going on between our two tribes yet again."

"There will always be a war between the Hell's Angels and the Winchesters, Cas." Lucifer reassured. "However you knew the danger that you were putting yourself in. Like, how come he never saw your tattoo? Or saw texts on your phone from us?"

"I covered up the tattoo as best as i could. And he trusted me enough to not check my phone, maybe he shouldn't have. The way he found out was so horrific as well. It should never have been like that. How in the world did John even get a photo of all of us?" Cas asks, scoffing slightly before his eyes narrowed at the look on Lucifer's face. Guilt.

"Lucifer, how did John get the photo?" Cas asked again, more pointedly this time as he stared right into Lucifer's eyes harshly.

"Dad made me do it."

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