Chapter Thirteen - Photograph

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It was just a normal day. Cas was excited for class to end so he could see Dean. He was even smiling in the middle of his presentation because he was in such a good mood. He felt good about this day, and he didn't think anything could bring him down. How wrong he was. 

You see, Chuck was loyal to his family and family was his number one priority. Now that he knew where his son was and what he was doing, he wasn't going to let the boy out of his sight. That is why he instantly, as soon as he left Castiel alone again in his dorm rooms, he sent one of the prospect bikers to watch over Castiel to make sure he was safe at all times until Chuck could come up with some sort of plan to get his youngest son back.

Castiel had never really gotten himself involved in the violence and every aspect of the club, but when he was involved he stood in the shadows, watching and waiting, biding his time until he could destroy another biker club or any other gang from the inside. He was like a shadow to the other biker groups which is why no one really knew that he existed at all. 

The Winchester Gospels knew all about the Hell's Angels, they had to to make sure that they wouldn't be tricked. They thought they knew Chuck's whole family and what their hobbies were etc, etc. However there was one of the Novak children that the Winchester Gospels always overlooked. This may have been because he was too young, or maybe it was because he never really showed his face to other gangs before, but this is the reason that Dean had absolutely no idea who the hell Castiel really was.

However, that all changed when the prospect that was looking over Castiel on the word of Chuck Novak, saw the eldest Winchester, the next in line to hold the gavel of the Gospels, ring on Castiels door bell and be willingly let in by Castiel. And through the glass of the door, the prospect could almost make out the two outlines leaning towards each other and shockingly pressing their lips together.

So the prospect did what anyone would. He went and told Chuck what had happened and what he had seen and Chucks mind started working. Of course Cas would have known who Dean Winchester was, he wasn't some stupid kid. But he had decided to use the whole situation to his advantage rather than get angry at his son again. 

He didn't know Castiel's side of the story after all. 

Instead he rummaged through some old photos until he found the one that he wanted. It was a big family photo that was one of the only ones that actually had Castiel in it, looking actually a part of the club. He wore the colours and the symbols of Hell's Angels and any idiot could see that it was Castiel in the photo. 

It didn't take Chuck long to send the prospect on an errand with the photo, telling him to put it down on the Gospels doorstep and waiting around to make sure they actually got it. Chuck knew that from there on out, things would just fall in to place for him, and how right he was.


Dean held the photo of Castiel and the Novak family, or more accurately, the rest of the Novak family in his trembling hands. He shakes his head slowly before finally looking up at his father who looked strangely sad in between his seriousness.

"I'm sorry, Dean." He whispers in a calm voice while Mary goes over to Dean and puts a hand on his arm. 

"Oh Dean, this must be so hard for you." She says in a small voice before taking the picture out of his hands and looks at it herself. "I don't know how you must be feeling around about now. But you know that your family are here for you."

"Well at least we found out sooner before it was too late." John sighs and shakes his head before turning away and going into the meeting room. The rest of the main members of the club followed him in while the others went out to the garage to work, leaving Dean and his mom alone. 

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