Chapter Ten - Blood, Sex and Violence

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"Oi, where the hell did you go?!" Dean shouted, laughing slight as he walked up to Cas as he stood outside the flat before taking the boy in his arms and lifted him up cheerfully.

"Dean, put me down!" Cas snorts, trying to be cheerful too but his sisters words hung at the back of his mind constantly.

"Alright, alright!" He laughs, finally setting Cas down but pushing him up against the wall with his body, smirking down at him. "My smol baby."

"Shut up." Cas snorts, trying to wiggle out of his grip but he was too strong.

"Seriously though, where did you go?" He raises his eyebrows and pouted slightly. "One minute i was telling you to stay inside the MC and the next minute you had disappeared! Will you ever do anything i tell you too?"

"Not in my nature." Cas shrugs, grinning slightly. "I had to leave urgently, Charlie was upset. Ice cream was needed." Cas lied smoothly through his teeth, he absolutely hated lying to Dean but it needed to be done if he wanted to keep Dean in the dark about his true self.

Dean laughed through his nose but nodded his head in understanding. He kissed Cas on the cheek gently and walked into the boys flat with Cas following close behind. As soon as they were in Castiel's room Dean plonked himself down on the bed as Cas sat on his desk chair, knees up to his chest comfortably.

"Alright, well i got a few things to sort out later on, but i'll be back up here. It might be a bit late though, so i'm kinda hoping you'll stay up for me." Dean grinned slightly and Cas rolled his eyes but smiled and nodded.

"Sure." He says simply and Dean gets back up and walks over to Cas slowly, cupping his cheek in his hand.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look a bit shaken up." He says seriously and Castiel nods his head and lets out a weak smile.

"I'm fine, just tired. I might catch some sleep now before tonight." He says and Dean laughs and kisses the boy on his lips.

"Alright, baby. I'll try not to be too long." Dean stands up straight and Cas stares up at him, smiling and nodding a little.

Dean made his leave and hopped back onto his bike as soon as he got outside. Before he started the engine however, he made a phone call to his father.

You see, Chinese mobsters had rampaged one of the Winchesters legal businesses in retaliation for the Winchesters beating up one of their guys. Chinese had killed one of the porn star girls that was in the warehouse at the time so Dean and John only thought it was fair to kill someone from their side. It was what started wars, this retaliation business. But if the Winchester's didn't retaliate back, people would think the motorcycle club was weak and would try and walk all over them.

Dean met up with some of the other bikers outside Chinese territory. They took off their jackets, hiding them underneath their seats and rode into the town, guns tucked down the back of their jeans.

It was brutal. The way the Winchesters walked into one of the Chinese takeaway stores and shot almost every soul in there, only leaving one woman alive who could tell Lin, the Chinese boss, that it was the Winchesters that did this.

Dean looked around the store with a blank grimace on his face and scowled down at his newly white trainers. Damn blood from the Chinese was all over them. He sighed and shook his head before sticking his gun back down the back of his trousers and turned to one of his guys.

"This should leave a message to Lin. Make it look like a rivalry shooting between the Chinese so if the police do come, it can't get tailed back to us." He says and Benny nodded and began switching and twisting bodies so that the massacre looked more like an indoor war between the Chinese people.

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