Warm Welcome

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God knows that I didn't want to spend time with the family for the holidays, but I like the scenery while on the way to Gordie's cabin. I swear that if you blink every 30 minutes, the scenery would change from a regular road to a snow rapidly. That's the only thing I liked about going to Milwaukee, not to stay at a big house. However, I just wanted to see the look on everybody's face when I make my grand entrance like I told Mom. So for now, all I could do was enjoy the scenery until I arrive.

While on the way, I stopped by at stores to add gas and get snacks. Every store I went into had different weather channels reporting that it'll be a pattern of snowfall until Milwaukee is hit with a full force of snow. Good thing I got on a hoodie under my coat and a pair of Long John pants under my athletic shorts. Ain't nobody got time for Elsa.

While back on the road and coming to a road on the left, I turned to one way road with tall trees on both sides. I was close, these beauties signified that I was on Gordie's road, which is literally named "Gordie's Road". This rich asshole wanted his own cabin built so badly, he even had a road made to lead to it. He even had other roads added so in case partners of one of his companies could have their own cabin made. Thus making Gordie's Road the path of asshole, because they'd all (married men) be at his place and give me creepy glares. This dude had a whole creepy crew with him, I swear.

That's one of the reasons why I keep my distance from him if we're in the same premises. The main reason is the ugliest of the ugly truth that I wish to never speak of to anyone, only my Dad when he comes to me in my dreams. Which reminds me, I didn't take out my locker with his picture to talk to him.

I either put it on or on my mirror whenever I'm going some. It's been my way of keeping him close to heart since he died. I was five when he'd gotten in a wreck and died from the collision with a tree, and then a year later after I turned seven was when Mom introduced me to Gordie. I just say hi and go about my business, but I should've took some time to get to know him. That would let me see his lie that he lives before witnessing the ugly truth when he I thought he'd went home one night.

Every time I the image goes through my head, I try to think about the times with Dad before Mom brought this twisted wannabe father figure into my life. And then there's Jude, the brother that's binding me to Gordie in a way. So sometime in June, he was born and it was after his birth that I discovered that Mom and Gordie were already married. They eloped after that night and I've never been able to tell her because she was always with him. Come to find out, she slept with him later on that night afterwards and hid from me that she was pregnant with Jude.

And that's how we have the relationship that we have, folks. After Daddy dies, Mommy meets a man the next year, misses new man for the first half of a night before they elope, and when Mommy does meet up with new man later that night, they secretly marry each other, leaving forgotten son to find out before his 8th birthday that by her big belly. Did you get all of that? Good. If you didn't, then I'm sorry that wasn't a basic blonde version of it. Get Brian's dumb ex Jillian to make it more blonde for you. I'm off of that and now focused on my grand entrance.

I had parked along side the road that leads to the big parking lot at the cabin. I saw Gordie and Mom's BMW, Veronica's car, and both Kent's and Elliot's (twins) trucks. The other ten vehicles let me know that the other members were here as well. Oh great, I'll have a crowd to impress. I got out the car and cursed at myself for doing so. GOD IT WAS LIKE ANTARCTICA! The snow literally came just below my knees, and I was trudging in big baby steps just to get to my back door.

When I got there and got my bag, I circled to the passenger side and got Dad from out of the glove compartment. "I'll behave just for you, Dad. But the minute Mom and Gordie try acting funny, you'll see a different side of your boy you didn't see while you were here." I told him as I put him around my neck. I pulled my hair back as I put my hood back on and carried my bag on my head as I trotted onwards.

I didn't even make it to the start of the walkway of the house, and already Mom and Gordie were leading the whole family outside. I just faked a smile and waved as I started walking normally, since the snow wasn't built up on the pavement. I stopped before the first step and was almost greeted with a hug by mom, Gordie, and Jude, but I cut the both of them off when I snatched Jude into my arms. I threw my bag at them and continued hugging my brother, holding an arm over him as we walked into the cabin. The look on her and Gordie's face when they frowned was priceless. I even gained a few stifling laughs from the twins. Score ten points for Nolan.

If anybody else I greeted, even though she doesn't like me, it was Gordie's mom Cheryl. That's why faked a bigger smile as I hugged her before I made my way inside. Letting go of Jude, I told him to go show me his room. When he did, I was amazed at everything; the violet red and brown color scheme, the chocolate brown oak drawer, his 20" flat screen (which I was somewhat amazed by), his wolf themed bed, and his random posters on the walls. Gordie pulled through with the great father card when it comes to Jude, but still had the creep card with me. So I took this moment to only think of Jude's happiness.

Leaning against the door frame and listening to him blabber about me and his life at school, I didn't even notice that Gordie was beside me. I could see from the corner of eye that he was would glance at Jude before staring at me. Feeling as though he'd grab my shoulder in a more than affectionate manner, I sauntered to Jude's bed and fell flat on my face and onto his very soft pillows.

"Dude, I love these pillows. Like-- UGH!" I said to him, ignoring his dad. He laughed at my emphasis on the word love and started tickling me. We tossed and turned as I tried to free myself, but fell to the floor as he pulled me down. Was this dude's high school wrestling team on some extreme training biz or something? Damn.

"You love my pillows because you don't have those kinds. You have that shitty guest room in the back with the motel looking pillows." he picked on me.

"Language, and those pillows are the best I've bought for that guest room so that it isn't shitty, Jude." Gordie retorted. "Nolan I'd be happy to show you to your room when you're ready, just let me know."

How about no now so I don't have to repeat no later? I nodded and thanked him, sending him on his way out of Jude's room. Creep interaction avoided again, giving me +10 points. I turned my attention back to Jude. "Wanna play some Minecraft on your Xbox One?"

"Actually, let's play Life Is Strange. I really wanna play and see what happens to Mr. Jefferson myself. I've watched Geek Remix's stream on Twitch, but I wanna play it for myself. You could do some cool artwork of the game while I look at everything."

"As long as you don't mind me boasting about how hot I still think he is and how I ship Nathan and Warren, I'm game." I said with a Cheshire grin.

He started the game and I got some supplies from his desk. Settling back on his bed, I grabbed one of his books and started sketching away Chloe and the butterfly. Smiling to myself, I looked up to Jude and saw how enthused he was by the game. I thought to myself at how happy we both were with each others company, him being the warm welcome to this so-called family of ours. Eh, either way way, I wouldn't have any other way if it wasn't for this little guy.

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