The Big Bad Wolf's Den

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(A/N: Saul's house.)


It was 5:30 in evening and I was still in the process of guaranteeing my safety with Mr. Saul. He'd drove me to the nearest police station, but only to have my request declined because there weren't any patrolling officers there during the holidays. Not wanting to waste all of his gas, I had Mr. Saul drop me off back at the hotel. When I told Mrs. Tali how poorly the help was, she told me not to worry about it and that she'd go walking with me tomorrow.

"I'm sorry that your efforts were in vain, Nolan. I'll try to setup the cafeteria and fix us something so that both can enjoy a meal on the trail."

"Thanks, but no need. I'll just stay in and probably go to the theater if I'm not occupied with my dad or anything. It's no hassle, really." I declined, slightly mad, but not at her.

"Well then, it'll be no hassle if I join you. Really, it won't. I know the woods like every childhood show I watched. I'll even bring some extra food for the big bad wolf just in case." Saul assured. Was he serious? I mean he does seem one of the natives here.

"Well then, would it be a hassle if you could maybe bring a gun or stun gun? If you can't kill him with the most important meal of the day, then you could at least hurt him with speeding bullet or some volts." I faked a laugh, making Saul raise his brows while Mrs. Tali mouth looked like it could fall off her face.

"No need for firearms. I play with these big dogs as if they're my actual pets, so I doubt it would be too much if he or they saw you with me."

"Okay, since you put it like that, I'm fine with that. I'll just make sure to wrap my eggs and sausages up burrito style after finishing Mrs. Tali's amazing pancakes and waffles." I have to make sure to do so tomorrow.

"Or we could all eat at my place. I don't mind the company. Aunt Tali can just make us breakfast while you're getting ready. I go out in my pajamas sometimes since I basically wear sweatpants and a jacket if I'm not stopping by in town." Saul's second suggestion seemed somewhat better than the first. I get to eat and then head out for a walk, and he'll bring extra leverage for wolfie so he doesn't think of me as breakfast again.

"I'm okay with whatever as long as I get to do a marathon on Reign and eat." I deadpanned.

Saul seemed intrigued by the looks of his smirk. "Well then get whatever you need and meet me in front of the hotel."

I couldn't bring my mouth to close at his sudden command. "R-Really? Just like that? Are you sure?" I had to make sure he wasn't punking me or anything.

"We leave out in 15. I'll be in my car. See ya tomorrow, Aunt Tali." He left after kissing her cheek. He's so straightforward. I didn't even get to at least thank him for his upfront kindness. With a small smile and chuckle, I gathered all of my clothes into my bag, put my phone in my pocket, and put Dad on before hugging Mrs. Tali and leaving with my tumbler.

I'll admit, I didn't want to leave this nice place. But if all this meant that I'd be safe from that wolf, then I'll happily comply. I told Mrs. Tali that I'd see her tomorrow, she told me to take care, and then walked me out to a luxurious car. I think it's a Bentley, a nice type of transport no doubt. I just didn't know that this type belonged to Mr. Saul himself. Not did I think that he'd let me ride in it with him, even though I'm sure he saw my car as the only car in the parking lot.

Let the people say DAMN!

I pulled my bag to the back of his car so I could put it in the trunk. But instead of waiting for him to open hit, he got out and put my bag in the backseat before getting back in. Dumbfounded and completely speechless, I got in, buckled up, and waited for him to drive. If was a bit of an awkward silence, but I just kept my eyes on my phone as I read through all of Rick's texts I ignored. He went from apologizing to bragging to blackmailing to apologizing to posting selfies on Instagram with Kelly, and back to apologizing.

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