Stillness be the Move

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I couldn't look at him. Couldn't utter a word to him. Couldn't acknowledge his presence, nor ignore the fact that we were in the same space still. I damn near couldn't breathe the same air as him. I don't know why I'm like this, but I wish I wasn't. It's not like we were a couple or anything.

Dammit if I were to get into another one so fast just to get over Rick. I just don't know why I feel as if I were actually in one anyway. With this guy?! Saul? Seriously?

Of all men, fate had to put me with another playboy like him? He's no different from Rick, yet I feel as if I'm in the same situation that broke us up.


"Nolan..... Would you please just look at me? You don't have to say anything, but just look at me! I need you to believe me when I tell you, I only wanted her for sex and nothing more. It was just a one time thing."

I looked at him, but with the "are you serious?" face. "A one time thing, like the many girls of the pack you've done?"

Fuck it that I spoke, his words didn't mean shit to me; they certainly didn't make any sense either. After that bitch shocked us with the fact that she was carrying his baby some feeling had me choked up and lost for words. And yet again the sight of him was just so damn cringing. I wanted to scream, cry, punch a wall, and damn well punch him at the same damn time. I was literally stuck, and it felt like some twilight zone shit if I'm being honest.

However, I couldn't do any of that since some of his pack and I were all in Saul's living room and Ms. Tali had me firmly held as I sat on one side of him while the carrying bitch was getting pampered by everyone else. The only ones, of course, whom kept watch of me were Saul, Ms. Tali, and Cade. At least there was some comfort knowing that he was worried about my sanity and well-being. probably from my body language he could tell what was all going on in my head.


The sudden thud of books and glass threw me out of my thoughts and fully to Saul whose eyes were almost as dark as a black void as they glared right into me. As much as I wanted to look away I couldn't, it felt as if they were pulling me in somehow and kept me from looking away.

When he knew he had my attention he spoke. "As I was saying, what she and I had was just a fling. Hell, we're all men, we've all done it with people before we find that one true love that we've been destined for. It was just something to ease the stress of being an alpha, which I will add, is pretty damn stressful. But that all doesn't mean anything now since I now have you, Nolan!"

What the literal fucking hell? DUDE!

"Not everybody is like all men! I'm still a damn virgin, in fact! Even when I was with Ricky and thought he was the one, someone in my deep conscience told me to still hold off from giving myself up to him. And what your baby?! What about him or her?! I'm pretty sure your pack has some sort of rule that requires an alpha to marry the mate he's impregnated! Whether if the woman be his mate or not, you still have to marry her and raise your baby WITH HER! I know it'll be hard for your brother to deal with since she was his to begin with, but that's really what you get from laying down with every dog! Soon after nine months you're gonna wake gonna wake up with a flea that's your new reality!" I retorted.

A gasp escaped the chick, but no feeling of regret faltered with me. I just rolled my eyes.

Bitch, please! You lot are dogs. If anything, you're the big dogs at that! You're just a big bitch among the pack!

This time gasps could be heard from all around as I looked at everyone who was focused solely on me. I forgot that they can read minds or some shit like that.

"Nolan dear, let's go into the other room and discuss things in a more calm state." Mrs. Tali tried assuring, but I wasn't here for it.

"No thanks! I'd rather much just get the hell out of here, out of this town even better! The more I stick around the more secrets get revealed!" I cut her off.

I folded my arms and just stared at my lap and tried my best to block everyone out again. But just when the room was silent enough for me to do so I was brought back out of it by yours truly.

"This is your home, Nolan! Right here in the Howling Cove Pack. Other than a shitty ex-boyfriend, what else do you have waiting for you back at your old place?!" Saul interrupted.

"Other than pure freedom, what else could I ask for? Oh yeah, to not be bothered with the likes of you! I wouldn't even be worried for a second about Rick now that I know your kind exists!"

"You're just as much a part of this pack just like everyone else, why do you think I gave you that mark?! You're here now and you're gonna stay, rather if you like it or not!"

Everyone gasped again as my heart stopped at those words. I felt for my trap muscle again to see what he'd been talking about and felt something warm and moist. I jolted to my feet in search of a bathroom as my hand was now covered in blood and what looked like saliva.

When I got to a mirror and a good look at the mark I nearly lost my breath. Nothing but pure flesh and blood running from four small holes deep into it.

"S-S-Saul! What did you do to me?! What the hell is this?! WHAT IS THIS?!" I burst into tears, too lost from the horror I'm literally wearing.

"That there is the mark I gave to you while you were asleep! That which signifies our bond! That which signifies my ownership of you! You. Are. Mine. Nolan. Simple as that."

His words sounded like poison!

I shook my head in disbelief and was about to black out again, but pregnant girl spoke again.

"WHAT ABOUT ME?! HE'S JUST SOME LOWLIFE HUMAN! I'M-- I SHOULD BE YOUR MATE! YOUR DAMN LUNA, SAUL! WHAT ABOUT ME?! AAAAAHHHHH" she screamed as she suddenly fell, but not so fast. To nobody's surprise Saul scooped her up just before her ass even hit the floor. I kinda felt something in my chest seeing him do so, but thought nothing of it.

"Fear not, girl, that's why why we're here; to help him decide. And it's rather simple. We reverse the marking and he'd have no indication of it, Saul marks you, you two then wed. Easy as that." a sudden group of elders strode in the room without notification.

A small sigh escaped me as I held onto my pounding heart.

And then an elderly woman spoke as soon as our eyes met, and threw me into complete shutdown. "Oh! He also has to die. Either after the wedding ceremony or if he evens tries to escape before then. This pack has been lost since your parents deaths, and without the true leadership of your dad you've lacked in more than two places, Saul. Which is why we're here. So get used to us for the next few weeks. Tee-hee!" she chimed.

And with that joy filled remark I fell again, but not before slamming the bathroom door and locking it. The last thing I caught was Cade, Saul, Ms. Tali and a sudden crowd of sudden wolves charging at me.

Then everything went black.

After I finish this book, (go to my page if you cant access the link).


A Lost Mate for the Alpha [ON HOLD]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora