Answers to Unasked Questions

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There's a faint smell of cigarette smoke and cinnamon in the air.

Is someone cooking?

Some sort of recipe for a folklore soup maybe?

Why is there a weight on me again?

I feel tangled with someone else's arms and legs. My arms close to my chest covered with two more and my legs engulfed by a bigger pair.

Is someone else with me?

I can't open my eyes, no matter how hard I try, not even a peek.

"Are you awake?"

That voice. Sounds so familiar, but different.

"Don't be afraid to look at me, Nolan?"

But who are you? I feel as if I know you, yet you seem so distant.

"I'm right here, babe. I'm just waiting on you to come to me. I'll give you time."

Time? For what? Is someone coming? Something?

"Already here, just look to me."

But I can't. I can't move to save my life.

"I've already saved you from the worst. So now it's just you and me."

That's the thing, like I said before, I feel as if I know you even though you feel so distant.

"Let me show you."

I was then turned over until I was for sure touching what I assumed was the other man's chest, my body now facing his and still locked into him. Suddenly there was light gradually increasing until it was the shape of an oval. Then, a face— Saul's face— the light turned into him and I was now looking at the man I know.

I was caught off guard adult first when I realized that he was naked, but then a whole new level of confusion hit me like a truck when I saw the wolf beside him looking at me, too.

"I'm here, Nolan. Nothing can harm you anymore."

The wolf's mouth moved to Saul's words, causing my eyes to widened as if I'd seen a ghost. Maybe something worse, not that I want to think about it, but it was still scary. I didn't utter a word.

"I won't hurt you, because I can already tell you're scared. I'll let you down easy on all of this." he motioned his hand around the wolf. "Werewolves exist, Nolan. They've—...... We've always have just like any other supernatural being out there. This big guy you've seen before is my wolf form, he is also me. You've seen Cade and little Kasey, too. Remember the gray and little brown wolf? That was them."

I still remained quiet, the fear in my eyes being an only sign of tensed uncomfortably.

"Can you please just say something, Nolan? A-anything?"

"I want to leave this place and all of you!" I explained in one breath.

His eyes widened this time. "You're just scared, you just need to calm down some more. Later we can discuss this better."

"We can discuss this never when I'm better off at home. Not with you, them, ANYONE! I'm going home!"

"No! You don't mean that, Nolan! You're still scared! You just need to rest and take all this in slowly. I'll have—"

Beat him to it. "Cade go get my things! I'm going to change, and if you try to stop me you'll only push me further from you!"

When they both started running towards me I miraculously found all the strength in me and began pushing myself away from Saul the second I fully woke up. He fought to keep his hold, but I kicked and kicked as I cursed him with little threats.

"L-LET ME THE FUCK GO! GET THE HELL OFF, YOU ANIMAL! GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF!" I was livid. I didn't want to hear anything else he or anybody else in this horrible place has to say, I just want get my things and go. However, Mr. Bigby here wants to assume and prove otherwise.

His hold did not waver. It did some, but he'd find an opening to hook and lock even harder everytime. So with one leg raises back I kneed him in the stomach. It hurt almost as if I hit a brick wall or something, but it broke me free from Saul and gave me the advantage I needed.

I was still half naked, but I didn't give a damn. I valued my life more than clothes, I had to simply get away. Bursting through the front door I could still hear Saul calling me, out of anger and fear.

Gotta find Cade! Gotta find Cade! Gotta find....! CADE! CADE! WHERE ARE YOU?!

"CADE! CADE?! TALI?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I cried out to the cruel snow, the wind stopping tears before my cheeks.

"NOLAN, WAIT!" Saul's voice could be heard just from the living room.

I sucked in a sob and pressed forward as I shouted for help, still nothing.

Someone, please save me from this monster! PLEASE!

Suddenly, a howl came from my left and revealed the gray and brown wolf, the little one right by his side. I mentally smiled with relief as we met.

"Look! Keep that man away from me, okay?! He turned into one you guys and still says he's Saul!" I pointed towards Saul who was now a few feet away from us. As he slowed down he stretched a hand as if he was controlling the two wolves at my aid, and with one blink they both stood beside him as he commanded. "Tell the rest of the pack to reveal themselves, Cade! Aunt Tali, too!"

The wolf howled while the other one ran to me and leapt into my arms. He howled and howled until twigs could be heard snapping from now other wolves coming out of the woods.

"Nolan..... What I was trying to tell you is that I—....... We are werewolves, not monsters! We won't hurt you, especially since you're my mate!" Saul so calmly explained.

Bones crackled from all around as I looked around to see the wolves shifting from four paws to two and their fur and anthropomorphicbodies changing completely to humans, everyone from the inn now surrounding us. Even Little One's crackled, her body changing into that of....... Kasey.

I was lost beyond words and couldn't bring myself to take another step. I was completely frozen and shell-shocked as I now witnessed a big secret that these once warming people kept from me, even Kasey's smile couldn't ease my worry.

When I felt Saul's hands on my shoulders I then tried countering him so I could be a good distance from him again, but he kept that same tight grip on me as before.

"Nolan, please believe me! I won't hurt you! We won't hurt you!" he begged with, dare I say it, tears. TEARS!

"Nolan, pleathe don't hate uth! Yourw my fwiend! You thaid you walk with me again!" Kasey's innocent sob broke me, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I looked up and stared into the sky of gray and white as I called on the one person I always do in dire situations, this one being more extreme, I called on my dad.


And then once again everything faded to black.


Glory to the newborn King. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  😇🎄🎁

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