Operation: Brother Claus

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-Christmas Eve-

It's finally Christmas Eve and Cade and I were getting all of Jude's gifts settled in his car. We'd had breakfast and we're now out and about through town as we took our time getting to Mrs. Tali's.

"I got word from Aunt Tali that your car's safe and secured at her place." he informed.

"That's good. As long as I can get him his precious, I don't mind what else follows. All I care about is seeing him happy and getting some sleep, that'll be my present. That and lifetime supply of pocky, that would be good."

"What, no fancy phone or anything?"

"Already got one after a good month into my job. Maybe I'll get a dog or something so I won't be the only one at home."

It's true. Now that I'm back to being all by myself, I didn't have any kind of company. I can watch as much Reign as I want, but it's not as fun as watching it with someone else. Thinking back to the years Rick and I spent hours in front of the TV watching whatever kinda struck a nerve and had my mind focusing on the past.

I couldn't even tell what Cade was even talking about anymore, because all I could think about was Rick. Everything from our walks and clubbing to our dates and long talks, those were what I considered the little things. A typical old person would say I wouldn't know what I'm talking about until I experience real love, but you can't say I'm over my head when I say that he was what I thought love was, or what our relationship made me feel somehow.

Well, for what it's worth, I'll just say it's the closest I've come to experiencing it. I won't know so until I'm dead, that way I can prove them wrong. Or maybe I could see how much we meant- How much I meant so I can see of there was any love at all.

"NOLAN!" And there was Cade knock me out from la-la land of the past.

"Sorry! I spaced out. What were you saying?" I tried faking a laugh, but it was stupid and sounded weird.

"Nothing. I was just gonna tell you that I'm sure you'll get something good this Christmas. Despite all the what you've had happen to you recently, I'm sure there's some good coming. Just wait for it."

I hope it's a good friend or some kind of company. Closure is the only thing I want on my Christmas list, the Lord knows that for sure.

"Thanks. Same to you. I'm sure you'll get a companion to share that big house of yours with. Who knows, maybe the local dogs that roam the woods out there would be a special gift from Saint Nick." I let out a real laugh this time, this time Cade joining in.

We continued discussing about tonight and their big New Years ball until we parked across the street from Tali's. I got out to get some of the small presents, while of course Cade got the rest which were bigger. As long as we got these bad boys inside and ready for tonight's quick delivery without being seen by some too familiar faces, we're good. But if I caught a glimpse of Gordie however, I'd be done for when he shows up with mom.

We were in the inn and Tali gave us morning hugs as she lead me to my room.... where a stern-looking Saul was sitting on my bed. Eyes locked on mine the moment I set foot in the room and arms crossed still as he rose slowly.

"All good mornings aside- I'm so sorry for leaving you Sunday morning. When I came back I'd seen you coming back here a-and I thought you were really upset with me. So, once again, I'm sorry." he surmized right to the point. But I wasn't mad at him, I just didn't care anymore. On sundaybnight I just stopped caring and took in his brother's company.

"That's fine. I didn't worry about it when Cade came along. I just stayed with him until now. Now I'm back here so I can take Jude's gifts to him later on tonight. Since I'm sure I'm not getting anything I'm staying here until tomorrow evening, then I'm going home. I'll be back for the ball y'all have for New Years."

"And he agreed to be my date!" Cade chimed in with an emphasis on 'date'. I smiled and rolled my eyes before speaking again.

"Um.... Since my clothes are still here, I'm just gonna shower and change, and start packing for tomorrow evening." I stated as I began shuffling through some clothes. Just then, Saul and Cade were, not speaking or even making eye contact with each other.

Weird. I brushed it off and proceeded in the bathroom. Minutes into the shower I didn't think much of Saul's negligence, just about tonight. I really didn't want to deal mom and the family while giving Jude his presents. No doubt mom would try convincing me to stay with Gordie backing her, but I'd simply tune them out.

Ain't nobody got time fa dat.

When I was done, dried off, and I had on my clothes I blow dried and took care of my other hygienic needs before going back to my room. Nothing changed, however, because there was still a stern Saul there, standing in front the dresser holding my locket. He twisted and swung it in circles a few times before looking at me, not making a sound.

"Um..... I'd already said it's okay that you left me, so there's no need for anything else." I said a bit low, but still loud enough to spark a raised brow as a reaction.

"I know, I just really wanted to make sure you're alright." he countered.

"Well, I'm fine. Just getting ready for tonight so I can be gone later on. Or I might stay here some more for the ball."

"That'd be nice. I hope to see you there...." I didn't catch the last part when he'd left out the room.

Okay..... On with the plans, then.

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