The Brother

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(A/N: Cade's isolated home.)


I never would've thought Saul had a brother. Then again, he never told me about his family when he told me all about himself. Maybe they're not on good terms, because this guy's got charisma. He had me laughing at jokes one minute, then had me questioning the meaning behind it the next. Of course he'd get me by laughing at my quizzical face, but that just made him even funnier to talk to.

We were roaming a big mall he'd brought me to out of town, he wanted to show his generosity since his brother left me for wolf's catch. I was nearly on the verge of freak-out or panic attack when he told me that I couldn't object to him paying for Jude's gifts. Which is why I just shot up and let him take control, only making sure to tell him what Jude likes.

I don't know what floor were on, but we were really high up. All I saw when I looked down on the first floor was people and a big fountain changing from green to red. I almost lost Cade this time in the abyss of shoppers, but I could've simply just waited by the fountain since I nearly dived in when we arrived.

"What's your brother's favorite color?" Cade took me out of my thoughts.

"Maroon. At least that's what I see when he shows me a deep red and a plum red. He loves it with a complementary black."

"Really? I'll see what I can find."

"Even though I'm the shopper. Let's start with clothes."

We stepped in a clothing store and went straight to the men's. We snagged everything from tops to shoes off the shelves. Of course I got some things that were an occasional blue and white, but they didn't compare to the big hoodie I got him. After adding some accessorie and paying, Cade followed behind after he snatched the bags from my hand. I at least tried there, telling him that I'm the one who's getting the gift, but he just took the advantage of making it as an apology for my abandonment.

Well, damn.

I couldn't argue there and brush it off, so I just let him be the nice guy he wants to be. However, I told him I'd be the one who says which store we go to. We hit up an electronics spot and spent a good while there, too. I got him a fancy, black Samsung tablet, 5 different kinds of earphones, same for headphones, and some cases. Cade paid and had us on our way once again.

20 minutes into this and I was hungry. I looked around for a restaurant to stop by later on, but didn't have to for long when Cade sang my name. "Nolan~ Let's stop by the hibachi joint on the 3rd floor. They have these new burrito-styled sushi."

"Nice, but I'm payin' this time."

"I know you are. You're paying for 2 takeout plates of those for me!" Did he just? You sly ass, you. I grinned when he turned his back to me again.

When we'd finally came to the hibachi restaurant, it was bustling with people and radiating warmth as the smell of sauces thickened in the air. I was so caught up that I didn't know what Cade was laughing at when I caught his eyes on me. I felt my face and suddenly something wet on my hands. I wiped my mouth to see that I'd almost drooled from my extremely moisturized lips.

The hugering thirst was real.

I shook off my embarrassment and flushed face as I followed my eyes to an cashier.

"Welcome to Little Ping. What will your order be, sir?" A kind woman greeted, but her eyes shot behind me to a still laughing Cade, and her smile widening.

Oh, Lord.

"I'd like a 2 sushi burritos for here and a takeout plate worth to go. Please." I got her attention again and paid. We sat down in a booth after setting the bags in first.

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