The Unexpected Help

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I knew there was something intriguing about that Nolan boy the minute I caught a glimpse of his gleaming eyes. Couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, but whatever it was kept my mind on him. Even when I'd set out for my morning stroll with Kasey, I'd lost track of her by thinking of him instead of our prey. I didn't even notice she was gone until I'd picked up the scent of bacon..... and waffles? I'd followed the scent for a short while before it dissipated, then got on the wind her bark and growl. Then, I saw him.

I kept watched behind a tree, but got caught thanks to Kasey blowing my cover. She murmured (which is her best begging technique ever) until Nolan discovered me. He was scared, I understood completely why, but I didn't mean to scare him to where he almost shit himself. So I tried to play the nice wolf card and approach him slowly, but him thinking about running made me mad and growl. Kasey tried telling me he was nice, but I already knew that, I just wanted to see him.

However, I knew I couldn't, because after he'd thrown his plate at me (which only had an effect on Kasey), he took off. He thought he was clear of me, but everybody knows that you can't really escape from the big bad wolf. That's why I was hot on his tail. Ironically hot on his tail.

I have to give it to him, he sure could run though. Not once did he fall over any roots or trip over anything below the snow, nor did he trip over the air like the white bitches in movies.

Hey, I'm just saying, you know it's true.

With that note, I had to counter him. I ran off track and went up some rocks, waiting for him to look back. When he did, I quickly jumped down in front, causing him to almost scream when his eyes turned into saucers.

Stuck and speechless again, I had him right where I wanted him. To show that I wasn't going to hurt him, I just studied him for a while as Kasey went to scratching his legs again. Persistent little girl, she is. However, playtime with our new friend had to come to a close after I questioned myself for the time. So growling at Kasey, I turned my back to Nolan and rushed off to the back of the barn with Kasey.

When we'd gotten there and changed right away, we then made our way to a random building across from Aunt Tali's place. It didn't take too long to wait for Nolan to make his way back in town, which is why Kasey and I just watched him from afar. He wanted to wave at Kasey, but he froze yet again when his eyes traveled up my figure and landed on my eyes.


Stuck in my tracks, I was shocked for some reason by the stare of the little girl and the glare of Mr. Saul. I wanted to tell him about the wolves I'd seen, but his eyes held me in place like those of the black wolf's. So I just nodded and looked around the hotel grounds until I found Mrs. Tali or someone else the hotel. It took minutes, but finally one of the chefs stepped out, probably on his break. I'm sure he won't mind a little work in helping me find Mrs. Tali, so I asked him. "Excuse me, d-do you know where Mrs. Tali is? I need to tell her something really, really, really important."

"She's still in the cafeteria." he looked a bit puzzled.

"Thank you. And might you know where a nearby cop or police station is?" I asked almost out of breath.

He looked around for a bit before replying. "Well Officer Sam just came in earlier, so you can see if he's in there. Check in the bar before the cafeteria, he's a lil' morning drinker, so the bar's a good place to check first."

"Thanks again. Thank you." I sighed with relief, but he caught me just before I went back inside the hotel.

"What's got you all pale, boy?"

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