(7) Dreams

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This chapter does contain some graphic stuff... So hopefully you won't hate me too much.

Dreams . . .

I shoved my key into the front door and twisted sharply. In one swift motion I pushed the door open and took my key from the hole. Walking inside, I closed the door behind me.

I sighed loudly, and pressed my back against the door. The silence of the house swarmed around me, and I relaxed at the fact that I was finally here by myself. It's rare when that happens, and when a certain someone is here I try to stay far away from this place.

Pushing myself off the door, I walked further into the house. Making a left, I walked down the short hallway and entered the living room.

Shoving my keys into my pocket, I let out a huge, open-mouthed yawn as I flopped onto the couch. Grabbing the remote from the coffee table in front of me, I turned on the tv and propped my feet up on the arm of the couch.

I was in the middle of flipping through channels when my phone started vibrating from my back pocket. Thinking it was just a text, I ignored it and continued to flip through channels. When it began vibrating for a second time, I sighed and reached in my pocket for the iPhone.

With one hand I answered the phone and pressed it to my ear, not stopping my channel search or caring to see who was calling.

"Hello?" I asked, more grumpily then I intended to.

"What's got your panties in a bunch," Levi barely said, his voice being masked by him smacking on food. I heard a bag rustling in the background, and then the sound of him shoving more food in his mouth caused me to cringe away from the phone.

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing," I said and focused my attention on the TV. "What's up man?" I asked with impatience seeping into my voice.

He didn't say anything as he continued to chew his food. Rolling my eyes for a second time and sighing loudly, I waited for him.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out-" he paused and took a sip of something. "But obviously you're on your period and don't want to be bothered right now."

I groaned and hung up the phone without another word. Tossing it on the couch beside me, I continued to watch TV. Turning onto my side, I settled into watching "Law & Order".

I threw open the bedroom door, my body shaking with a rage I couldn't control anymore. This had to stop.

At the sound of the door banging against the wall, he stopped what he was doing and faced me.

His once sparkling blue eyes were now droopy and bloodshot, and the color seemed faded and dull. They held a scary anger, which was masked by his calm demeanor.

I crossed the length of the room in long strides until I was standing a few feet away from him. My nostrils flared and I clenched my hands into tight fists at my sides.

"Wyatt," he spoke lowly. "Go to your room."

I hesitated for a moment, a part of me about to obey his command. That's when my mind flickered to the image of my mother laying in the middle of our living room, hunched over with a bruised face.

I lost it.

Without thinking my fist flew up and connected with his jaw. He stumbled backwards a little and I continued to pummel him. I caught him in the jaw once again, while another punch landed close to his eye. The adrenaline inside only strengthened my punches against him.

I took another shot, aiming for his face, but that's when he caught my wrist.

He held tightly onto my wrist with his left hand while his right hand wound back. He swung, the back of his hand coming down against the side of my face in a deafening smack. My ear rang and I couldn't hear anything from that side.

Him now having the upper hand, he took another hit at me, this time his hand enclosed in a tight fist. It slammed into my face, causing me to cry out and slump against him.

He continued to aimlessly throw punches towards my face and upper body, the whole time having a tight grip onto my wrist so I couldn't get away. He sent a gut wrenching punch towards my stomach that sent me flying towards the floor.

I rolled over on my side, clutching my stomach in my arms. My face felt like it wasn't there and some part of me was leaking blood onto the the light brown carpet. One of my eyes felt wired shut, which made one side of my vision completely dark.

He stepped over me, causing me to cringe in the process. He turned so he was looking down at me, and his heavy breathing was the only sound I could make out. I looked up at him and that same expression of calm anger remained in his eyes. It was deadly.

Without a second thought, it seemed, his foot swung back and came hurtling towards me. It slammed into my body and I instantly felt a sharp pain stab me as a crack seemed to echo in my ear.

I screamed, a sound I never knew I could make and the pitch I didn't know I could reach. Tears spilled uncontrollably from my eyes and I squeezed my eyes shut to somehow stop everything that was happening.

My breathing was hitched and I couldn't move. Something was broken and it was making it hard for me to breathe. I gasped for air, clutching anything on my body to make it easier.

He kneeled down on one knee in front of me, holding onto the edge of the bed I was laying by. He locked eyes with me, still having that same expression smeared across his face. He raised his fist one last time and sent it towards my face before everything went black.

I sat straight up on the couch and gasped for air. Hands clung crazily to my body and I tried desperately to take them away from me. I started fighting my way from the hands but they still stuck to me.

"Wyatt, bro, it's just me!"

I stopped and my eyes registered on the blonde haired guy sitting on the edge of the couch next to me. I let go of his hands and breathed heavily.

"Wyatt," Levi said in a calming voice. "Just relax, it was probably just a dream."

I nodded, still not fully there, and looked around the room. I was confused; I was just watching TV so when had I fallen asleep? My eyes settled on the TV. It was still the same "Law & Order" episode.

"What time is it," I asked, glancing over at Levi. I tried to slow my breathing, but it was still hard to catch my breath.

He didn't respond, just continued to look at me with worried eyes. "What were you dreaming about, man?"

I ignored his question and sighed loudly. I stood up from the couch, my legs feeling like they weren't able to carry my weight for a moment before I started walking.

Once I was out of the living room, I lifted my shirt and looked down. I traced the light scar going down my chest to the top of my stomach. It was barely noticeable, at first glance. Someone would have to be up close and studying my chest for at least 5 minutes before they noticed the slightly lighter color skin smack dead in the middle of my chest.

I let out a shaky breath and pulled my shirt down. Leaning against the wall I was closest to, I closed my eyes and laid my head against it.

That wasn't just a dream, it was a nightmare.


Well! There it is, and I hope you like it nonetheless. Even though it was a short one, I'm not sure if I'm able to make up for it next chapter or not, but keep your fingers crossed for the both of us. Love you all, peace x

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