(14) Something Came Up

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Something Came Up . . .

I allowed her to casually swing our interlocked hands between us as we headed towards the side exit after school was over. Being the gentleman that I am, it's only right that I walk my girlfriend to her car.

I rolled my eyes at that last thought and shoved my free hand carelessly into my pocket. I kept my head down, only half paying attention to what Gabrielle was saying to me as we made our way across the crowded parking lot.

"... And then maybe we can go see a movie together? I heard there were some new scary movies that came out last week but, of course, Alana didn't want to go see them because she's like super scared of them..."

"Mhmm," I agreed absently as she continued to ramble on. I tugged her towards me, getting her out of the way of a reversing red pickup truck. "We can do whatever you want babe," I told her, shrugging inwardly.

"Yay," she squealed, her steps becoming a bounce as we approached her car. "We should totally go to the mall first..."

I leaned on her car, still listening to her talk with an amused smile on my face. She took her hand from mine, reaching in her bag to retrieve her keys. Aiming at her car, I heard the doors unlock as she pressed the button on her keychain.

She turned to me while brushing a wisp of her blonde hair behind her ear, her mood visibly declining. "How come we can't just leave here together?" she questioned, the end turning up in a whine.

I rolled my eyes, not being phased by how she was acting. "Because," I began, sliding along the car to get closer to her. "I want you to change and get all dolled up for me, baby," I told her smoothly. I connected her blue eyes with mine as a blush rose to her cheeks. A smirk made its way onto my lips at the reaction I expected.

"Okay, fine," she breathed, practically falling on me and resulting me to have to catch her and support most of her weight. "But you better make every second I spend with you a good one," she mumbled.

My lips found hers in a quick peck on the lips. "I'll call you," I said, reaching behind me to open the driver's door for her.

She smiled at me then gracefully twirled out of my arms and nodded. Sitting in her car, she said a quick "see you later, baby" before closing her door and starting the car up.

Pushing myself off her car, I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling for a second time. I walked away and down the parking lot in the direction of my own car. Sighing, I came to terms that I couldn't get myself out of this one; it's too late.

I mentally played out how the rest of the day was going to be for me as I leisurely made my way to my car. I was going to head home and catch a nap for about an hour or two before calling her, since I can feel the exhaustion taking over me. Plus, I think I'm going to need all the energy I can get for when I have to put up with her for longer than an hour. Then, I'll call her and tell her to meet me at the mall, since she said she wanted to go there—I figure to show me off. Afterwards, we'll go wherever she wants for dinner and then later on probably catch a movie.

Shaking my head I almost laughed out loud at myself. That seems like way too much to do; so I'll ultimately end up skipping the movie and just going straight to the "alone time" part.

I sat in my car, glancing at my bookbag annoyedly at the fact that I was too lazy to come back for it once I forgot it this morning. Starting up my car, I backed out and headed home.


I closed my eyes, enjoying the darkness and peace behind my closed eyelids. I had been more tired than I seemed, and I wasted no time kicking off my shoes and climbing in bed. I didn't even want to get beneath the covers, so I ended up laying on top of my comforter, still fully clothed, in the middle of my bed.

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