(17) Consequences (Jennifer Moore)

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(yes, this is from Jennifer's point of view)

I bounced my leg anxiously and looked up at the clock above Mrs. Collins' head. I'm usually interested in learning about the government, and the way the three branches operate in order to form a more perfect union in the United States. I love memorizing the different laws and the reasons behind their establishment, as well as the many different sub-systems within the government that work together like parts of a machine. All of it is so compelling to me and there's never a dull moment when learning about it.

But today... today is different. I can't seem to focus on her words about the requirements and procedures on putting a new law into place. Normally, my pencil would have been flying against my notebook trying to catch every little detail about the subject she spoke about. But today, the only thing on my notebook is the date and a few drawings along the margin of the page.

Since when do I doodle?

I questioned myself with a small smile on my face, and continued to draw little pictures, because I knew exactly why my mind wasn't registering anything she was saying.

For once I was actually anxious to leave school and go home, something I usually dreaded. But today was Thursday, after all, which meant that I had to help a certain someone with Calculus.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I knew a blush was already tinting my face just at the thought of him. I was excited, yes, but who wouldn't be knowing that they had one of the school's most popular people at their house?

To study; he's only there because he was forced to get help by Mr. Gore.

My excitement subsided a bit, realizing that everything going on in my head was only just a fantasy. There's no way he could actually be interested in someone like me, knowing he could get any girl he wanted... Like Gabrielle Hansen. He never even noticed me until that day in the parking lot when he almost hit me with his car. Before that, it was like, we would make eye contact but he would see right through me; kinda like I wasn't even there.

The final bell sounded loudly above my head, scaring me a bit and making me drop the pencil I was holding. Everyone else was already packed up and heading out the door, but I was so lost in my own thoughts that I was falling behind the crowd. A few minutes later, I was heading out the door as well though, and waved a goodbye to my teacher. Clutching my books tightly to my chest, I headed towards the parking lot.

My phone vibrated from my back pocket, and after shifting my books from both arms to just one, I reached behind and grabbed it. Butterflies immediately erupted in my stomach as I saw the name and who the message was from on my lock screen. Smiling, I unlocked my phone and read the text from Wyatt.

I'm on my way to your house now, anything besides the book I need for today?

Quickly bringing up the keyboard I began typing a reply with one hand. No, just don't be late, Stevenson. I smiled as I hit send, and returned the phone to my back pocket.

I hugged my books tightly to my chest as I continued walking through the parking lot that was densely packed with cars. I chose to watch the ground as I walked, and the only thing that was running through my head was him.

Why was I thinking about Wyatt so much lately? He was just some guy from my math class who got the attention of everyone as soon as he entered the room. To me, there was nothing charismatic about him and I saw through the things he managed to convince everyone else of. He would always hold this aura around him of just not caring nor appreciating the simple things, like what teachers are actually trying to accomplish for us. He seemed rude, overall, and that was the main thing I disliked about him; that's the thing that made me think it was impossible for us to ever get a long.

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