(9) Girlfriend?

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Girlfriend? . . .

Her legs untangled from being wrapped around my body and she flopped onto the pillow beside me.

Gabrielle turned her head towards me, blowing a huge breath through her mouth. Her hair was in a messy mop on the top of her head, which brought an amused smile to my face because she didn't seem to care. She didn't look away from my stare, and she mirrored the look I gave her.

My eyes fell to her chest, noticing the steady rise and fall pattern she had while trying to contain her heavy breathing. A smirk absently replaced the smile when images of what happened between us moments before filled my mind.

"Why are you looking like that?" She spoke, breaking the silence between us.

I looked at her and rolled my eyes playfully. "You know exactly why I'm looking like this," I countered and locked eyes with her again.

She laughed, it bringing a twinkle to her eyes, and covered her mouth with her hand. I couldn't help laughing with her; her laugh seemed to be contagious.

Gabrielle threw the covers from off her body and stood from the bed. My eyes followed her completely nude body across the room and towards the bathroom, all the while a lustful expression remained on my face. Opening the door to my bathroom, she went to close the door behind her but stopped and looked at me.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?"

I only nodded in response, unable to remove the look from my face. She seemed to smirk at that, knowing exactly what she was doing to me. She closed the door and moments later I heard the shower start up.

I sighed loudly and looked at the ceiling. I didn't want to move from this spot, but I knew I had to. Defeatedly, I got from beneath the covers and sat on the edge of the bed.

I could faintly make out Gabrielle singing from the shower, a song I quickly realized was a Nicki Minaj song that came on the radio all the time. That brought a small chuckle from my lips before I stood up and walked over to my dresser.

I opened the top drawer and pulled out a fresh pair of boxers before putting them on. Making my way over to my closet, I slid the door open and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants that were on top of a basket, and then pulled a white t-shirt from a folded pile on the top shelf. I quickly got dressed and then closed my closet.

I looked around my room, boredom quickly getting the best of me. I let out an annoyed sigh, glancing over towards the bathroom. She was probably only in the middle of her version of the song, which meant she still had a while to go in the shower.

Shrugging inwardly, I decided to go downstairs to scavenge what was in the fridge. I could just wait for her down there.

I was about to head down the stairs when I noticed a light coming from my mom's room; the only light source illuminating the dark hallway. Looking harder, I saw that her door was cracked and a lamp was probably left on.

I sighed before walking over there. Nobody was here, I assumed, since there wasn't another car in the driveway when we got here. If someone showed up after me, I would have heard them come in.

I softly pushed the door open to my mom's room, hesitancy pulsing through my body for some strange reason. I didn't like the feeling. I continued to push the door open, and once there was enough room for my head I looked inside.

I half expected to see someone in there, casually laying on the bed or standing near the dresser, but there wasn't. Relief flooded through me and I physically relaxed. Shoving the door open, not caring anymore, I walked further into the room. I spotted the lamp that was left on, which was on the far side of the room, and headed over there to shut it off.

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