(16) At The Same Time

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"You told me you didn't know her!"

I groaned and rolled my head back to stare at the roof of my car. I could just hang up, right now, and not even care. I didn't even feel like explaining. It seemed pointless to me, due to the fact that I never found myself in this situation before. I sighed before saying, "I didn't, but I just—"

She cut me off. "You're such a shitty liar, Wyatt!" Gabrielle yelled into the phone, causing me to pull it away from my ear. "Alana said she saw you flirting with her the whole fucking time!"

A laugh escaped my lips at the accusation. I can see that Alana was still out to get me. "What? You're seriously telling me you'll believe anything Alana says?" I asked, disbelief masking my tone.

She was silent for a moment, and I could hear her heavy breathing through the phone."You know what?" She asked, her voice turning calm all of a sudden.

I raised my eyebrows, not knowing what to expect next from this chick. Quiet is deadly coming from girls like her, so I anticipated something dramatic would happen next. I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see me doing it. She was either going to cuss me out some more or—ooh, I'm scared for this one—break up with me. I held back the laughter the second time as she finally spoke up.

"Fuck you."

And then she hung up.

I exploded in laughter and pulled the phone from my ear to look at the screen in shock. "Wow," I drawled out, still continuing to laugh. I guess I was supposed to be worried that she hung up on me, and me being her "boyfriend" and all, I was supposed to call her back and beg her to talk to me...

I laughed again; fuck that.



I ignored Levi's attempt at getting my attention and continued to rest my forehead against my arms. The peace and quiet in the library was comforting and I honestly just wanted to have a few minutes to rest my eyes or, if I'm lucky, catch a quick nap.

I didn't know why I was so tired, because it seems all I do after school is go straight to my room, jump right in bed, and sleep. Well, I try I sleep. I probably only got a couple hours of sleep collectively; my restlessness nowadays consumed most of my nights.

I just couldn't stop my mind from over thinking, and last night with Jennifer didn't make it any better. She was all I thought about, and a part of me hated that.

"Thanks for..." Jennifer trailed, casting her gaze towards the ground. She entwined her fingers and I watched a small smile spread across her lips. She finally continued, mumbling the next two words almost in a whisper. "... for everything."

Her smile got bigger and she finally looked up to meet my eyes, and I wasn't ashamed to say that I hadn't taken one second to look away from the short girl standing in front of me. She continued to look up at me, I guess to wait on a response.

I shrugged, trying to play it off as if it was nothing to take her and her sister out for some yogurt that night. But even though my demeanor was calm and collected, my heart rate started to pick up ever so slightly. I gave her a smile, but I couldn't shake the feeling; and her intense stare didn't make me feel any better.

Why the fuck am I so nervous right now?

My nerves were saved, miraculously, by the five-year-old fumbling with Jennifer's keys to try and unlock the door. The keys fell to the ground in a loud jingle, and we both turned our attention up the driveway towards the front door. Nicole bent down to pick them up and went back to fighting with the doorknob. From the sounds of it, she was losing that fight.

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