(4) That One Chick

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That One Chick . . .

I pulled into Bay High School's parking lot and glanced down at the time on the dashboard. I had exactly 4 minutes to get to class or else I would be late, making my 6th tardy this month. I groaned at the thought of a week full of afternoons stuck at this school and accelerated a little, making my way to the far side of the lot where I usually parked.

Turning into an empty spot, I parked the car. I pulled the keys from the ignition and opened the door to get out in one swift movement. After slamming the door shut behind me I broke out into a jog, heading towards the double doors of the side entrance. I could still make it, I had to.

I made my way across the empty parking lot, slightly annoyed at how my morning was going so far. If the rest of the day was going to be like this, someone was definitely going to end up with a punch to the face.

I pushed through one of the doors and continued to jog down the hallway, heading in the direction of my English class. The hallway was densely crowded with people, probably in my same situation, rushing to class. This only made me quicken my haste, especially with not knowing how much time I had left before the tardy bell rang.

I wasn't thinking when I rounded the corner sharply, only halfway there. Someone else was coming around just as I was, causing us to smack into each other.

I stumbled back a little, the blow not really having much effect on me, and quickly regained my footing. The other person didn't have as much luck as me, though.

Papers, notebooks, and textbooks littered the floor at my feet... along with a girl, who had her back on the ground and her arms sprawled out beside her.

The tardy bell sounded above my head, causing a groan to emerge from me. I tilted my head towards the ceiling and closed my eyes, sighing loudly. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," I complained. So much for being on time.

I opened my eyes and looked down. The girl was still lying there, her eyes closed and mouth slightly open. I scratched the back of my neck and glanced around the hallway. We were the only two out of class, and I wasn't sure if I should leave her here or help her up.

"Um..." I began and trailed off when she still hadn't moved or spoken. I knew she wasn't dead, I saw her chest rising and then slowly, it would fall.

I turned my attention to the things she'd spilled when we bumped into each other. Sighing, I kneeled down on a knee and began gathering the papers into a pile, and then stacked the two textbooks she was carrying on top of one another. After having all of her things in a neat pile in my arms I stood up and curiously began staring down at her. Why was she still on the floor?

"Uh... Are you okay," I asked slowly, raising one of my eyebrows at her.

"I'm just freaking peachy, no thanks to you," she snapped in an annoyed tone, huffing a breath.

And thats when I recognized her.

"Oh, shit," I said, the memories flooding back to me in huge waves. "You're that one chick." I formed my lips into a thin line, trying to contain the laughs that were threatening to erupt. This is too ironic.

Her eyes shot open and she sat up on her elbows. "Well that one chick has a name," she replied in a sassy voice, getting to her feet.

My eyes slowly raked down her body. It was like I was reminding myself the details from last week, when I saw her in the parking lot. She still had that long, wavy brown hair that hung carelessly down her arms; she still had the chocolate colored eyes and the soft looking lips, causing me to absently bite down on my own; she still had that amazing body, with those tight curves and sexy hips, now being covered in a plain light blue shirt and dark skinny jeans.

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