(22) Two Words

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I woke up with my head slightly throbbing, but I ignored it and kept my eyes closed. I was facing the window, and I could tell I had slept in until about mid-morning because the sun was streaking through and brought warmth to my cheeks. It felt good and I was going to lay here for as long as I could to enjoy this feeling.

Everything almost felt peaceful again; kinda like I didn't have a care in the world and I could actually relax for once. I don't have to worry about my father and what his real intentions are; I don't have to worry about Gabrielle messing with Jennifer because Gabrielle knows I'm not interested; and I don't have to worry about school because I'm getting help. I was finally at peace with myself and everything around me; but that's when my peace was interrupted by one single thought that took over.

When has the sun shone through my window like that though?

I opened my eyes and immediately met soft, almost spring-like colors of a room that didn't belong to me. The curtains were a lacy white, and as my eyes spread the length of the room, I saw light yellows and pinks. There were quotes and pictures on the wall in a decorative fashion, and the desk in the corner had a laptop and books on top of it. This definitely wasn't my room.


I rolled over on my back and threw the large duvet from my body. Scrambling from the bed, I searched frantically for my pants that I found on the other side of where I was laying. I stepped in them and quickly pulled them up my legs. Patting the pockets, I felt the bulge of my phone and my wallet, and I let out an audible sigh of relief. Noticing that my keys were on the dresser, I walked over and shoved them in my pocket.

How much did I drink last night?

I tried retracing my memory as far back as I could, as I stepped inside my shoes and looked around for my shirt. I couldn't remember much, only being at the party and dancing and drinking. My mind went back a little further as I made my way across the room to the door. I had gotten to the party with–

The door opened and I watched her poke her head through the opening. She gave me a smile and it was enough to make me stop in my tracks and almost fall over. The memories came flooding back, and the gap was filled with images of her driving my car and bringing me here. We talked, but that's when my memories fade... Did we do something else?

Jennifer pushed open the door a bit more and stepped inside. "You seem like you're in a rush," she said jokingly and folded her arms over her chest. She leaned on the doorframe and looked at me, waiting patiently for a response.

I felt like my breath stopped in my chest and it was being too stubborn to supply much needed air to the rest of my body. I couldn't take my eyes off her even if I wanted to; she looked too beautiful. She had on a white t-shirt that made the black bra she wore visible from underneath, and plain black sweatpants. Her hair was in a messy bun sitting perfectly on the top of her head, and she honestly looked like she just rolled out of bed.

Jennifer looked so comfortable as if she didn't care if I saw her when she wasn't all "dolled" up. In all honesty, she had a natural beauty but it looked so good on her, and she would have caught me with my tongue hanging from my mouth in lust if I didn't catch myself first.

I chuckled lowly to try and get rid of the thoughts in my head, and scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah, well, I was at first," I told her honestly, but it sounded sheepish coming from me. My haste to get away subsided as soon as I laid eyes on her.

"Mhmm," she hummed and pushed herself off the doorframe. She walked over to me and uncrossed her arms. I let her walk up to me, unsure what she was going to do, and my body tensed a bit. I was relaxed once again when she only wrapped her arms around me in a hug, and her sweet scent surrounded me. She rested her head on my chest and squeezed me a bit tighter.

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