(2) Unpleasant Surprise

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Hello! It's Wednesday which means an update! I just want to thank EVERYONE because the reads and votes just skyrocketed. Yeah, I'm definitely a little shocked about that. But anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's more on a serious note though. Don't forget to vote!

Unpleasant Surprise . . .

"Just so ya know," Levi began, an attitude hinting at his voice. He walked around the front of his car to the driver's side. "You are never driving my car again."

"Uh huh, sure," I drawled with sarcasm, laughing under my breath and then headed up the driveway to my house.

I put a hand on my jet black Camaro as I walked passed it. I slowly slid the tips of my fingers along the side, all the while glancing nervously at the car parked beside it.

I heard Levi's car pull away from my house and then speed down the road. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat at the sound of its engine fading into the distance, and the Mustang moved further and further away.

Sighing heavily, I slumped the rest of the way up the driveway and towards the door to my large, two story house. Time to face the music.

I opened the door and immediately heard laughter coming from the living room; my mom's lighthearted one mixed with the laugh of a man's which was deep and throaty, one that was all too familiar to me.

Anger now pulsing through my body, I rolled my eyes and purposely slammed the door shut behind me. Immediately the laughter ceased and whispers took their place.

Ignoring that, I walked down the short hallway, going deeper into the house. Instead of going left and into the living room with them, I went right and into the kitchen.

I headed over to the refrigerator and opened it, which I already knew was fully stocked. I ran a hand through my brown locks and then sighed, it sounding more like a whine than anything else. I leaned down and peered inside, not really looking for anything in particular. Stopping my search when I saw a six-pack of blue Gatorade, I pulled one apart from the rest and then closed the refrigerator.

I twisted the cap off and took a long chug. After a few more seconds of that I removed the bottle from my lips and let out a refreshed sigh. I needed that.

I put the cap back on and turned in a slow circle, gazing around the empty kitchen as a wave of apprehensiveness swept through me. Shrugging, I dismissed the feeling. I threw the bottle up with my left hand and then caught it with my right as I headed out of the kitchen.

Still refusing to go into the living room, I thudded my way up the stairs instead. About halfway to the top, my mom called out to me.

"Wyatt, is that you," Michelle asked in a knowing voice.

I stopped about 6 steps from the top and rolled my eyes. "Who else would it be," I replied, heavy sarcasm dripping from my voice. I didn't wait for a reply and continued to trudge my way up the stairs and soon made it to the second floor landing.

I made a left and leisurely made my way straight down the hallway, towards the last door on the right.

And that's when they came.

They. Them. Those. All pronouns for the same thing; memories.

I walked through the front door, my attention snapping towards the middle of the room.

She was lying in a heap on the floor of our now empty living room, tears spilling uncontrollably from her eyes. I glanced around the room, confused and slightly taken aback by the sudden changes. I was here less than 2 hours ago and it wasn't like this.

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