(10) Tuesday

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Tuesday . . .

The final bell sounded loudly throughout the school, and I rolled my head back to look up at the ceiling. I groaned loudly, and remained seated even though everyone else was heading out the door already.

My shoulder was shoved a little, bringing me back to reality, and I met Levi's confused expression.

"Come on, man," he said, nodding towards the door. His eyes perked up a bit and I could tell he started to get excited. "I got Black Ops 3 the other day and the shit is awesome!" He sang the last word, causing me to laugh.

I slid from the desk, picking my bag up off the floor in the process. "I forgot that game came out last weekend," I began telling him as I lead the way towards the door. I've been so stressed with my current living situation and then busy with school that I hadn't had time to think about the new "Call of Duty" game that released the week before.

"See you tomorrow, boys," Mrs. Graham called as we left the class.

"Bye," we both chimed at the same time. I walked out the classroom first and started towards the parking lot.

"I need to go pick it up from GameStop," I continued and slowed my pace a little so he could fall in step with me.

"Bro, I'm telling you," Levi said and shook his head. "You're not ready for that shit."

His voice was dramatic, and a laugh escaped my lips. I looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate.

"It's like a combination of Advanced Warfare and Ghosts, because they got stuff from both games mixed together; but it's completely different." He began moving his free hand as he spoke, the other clutched onto the strap on his backpack. Eventually, he struggled to get his other arm through the strap which freed both his hands. He held up his hands, making an imaginary gun, and began shooting at the few people left in the hallway to demonstrate the game.

We pushed through the double doors, meeting sunlight and a heavy breeze. I ignored the looks being thrown at us by a group of girls we passed, and continued to talk about the game.

He was in the middle of explaining the different Specialists in the game when my phone began to vibrate from my pocket.

"Yo, there's this chick in the game- her name is Seraph or some shit- but when you max the meter she pulls out a pistol; but it's not a normal pistol, you feel me?..."

"Oh word," I was saying, pulling my phone from my pocket and seeing who was calling me. Gabrielle's named showed on the screen and feelings swept through me that I couldn't describe.

My thumb hesitated over the talk button, not sure whether I should answer it or not. I rolled my bottom lip into my mouth and stared at my phone with uncertainty. I wanted to answer her call, but another half of me was stopping me from doing so for some strange reason.

"Ka-pow! That's the sound it makes when you shoot it," Levi said, still rambling on.

I pressed the talk button and then put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked coolly.

Levi stopped what he was saying and looked at me. He raised his eyebrows as we approached his car first, which was parked closer to the school than mine was.

"Hey, babe," Gabrielle said into my ear, laughing a little. "What are you doing after school?"

"Gabrielle," I mouthed to Levi, getting an eye roll in response. I leaned on the trunk of his car and Levi did the same, an aggravated look evident on his face.

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