(19) There's Always Something (Part 1)

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I woke up with a start, and my body felt paralyzed in the middle of my bed. I couldn't move for a few moments, but oddly enough, I was okay with that. I stared blankly up at the ceiling and let my eyes adjust to the near darkness around me. I remained in that position, not wanting to move or do anything else; I didn't even try to go back to sleep.

Sighing, I gave up on my staring contest and finally rolled over in my bed. I faced the window, peering out into the world that was slowly beginning to illuminate by the rising sun. I reached for my phone, just to check the time, and saw that the reason I had woken up was because of my vibrating phone.

There were nine missed calls and an innumerable amount text messages that showed up on the lock screen of my phone. Looking at the calls, I noticed the most recent one was timed 4 minutes ago, and I assumed that it was the reason for my interrupted sleep. It didn't help either that every last one of those calls and the majority of the texts were from the same person: Gabrielle.

I groaned, growing annoyed at the thought of her and the fact that she had the nerve to try to talk to me after what she did to Jennifer. She didn't know that I knew, but still; it pissed me off because I knew I couldn't do anything about it. I had broken up with her though, so she shouldn't be trying to have any contact with me anyways.

I unlocked my phone, nonetheless, and opened up the message thread. I quickly scanned the most recent messages from her, and scrunched my face up in confusion. All of the messages from her consisted of the same thing, and it was like she was begging me to call her for some reason.

Please pick up the phone.

I really need to talk to you.

I know we aren't together but there's something I need to tell you.

I know it's really early but can you please call me as soon as you wake up?

I rolled my eyes and laughed under my breath. Chucking my phone back in its place next to my pillow, I turned over and faced the other way. The last thing I thought about before drifting back to sleep was that she was probably trying to come up with some pathetic reason, just to get me to talk to her. I laughed on the inside as I fell back into dreamland... that's not gonna happen anytime soon.


"Are you going or what?" Levi asked as soon as I got out my car at school the next morning.

I sighed, and shook my head at him. He'd been bugging me about going to this stupid party that was happening later on tonight, and honestly, I was getting fed up with him. Any other time, I would have agreed to it because being at parties is the scene I've adapted to. But the thing is, I had already told him that I planned to spend time with Jennifer, and his only response is that I invite her to come with us.

Not gonna happen.

I don't think she'd want to go, was the reply I sent him through text though, just because I figured she wouldn't want to even if I had asked her. And plus, to me, it was too soon for her to do anything.

"I know you're trying to get it in with your new girl and all," Levi continued to pester, following me to the back of my car.

I hit the lock button, and then leaned on the trunk of my car. I shook my head at him again. "It's not even like that," I told him honestly, shrugging one of my shoulders. "I already told you that me and her aren't even dating, and that I don't think she'd be down for going to parties and shit like that."

He ran a frustrated hand down his face, and sighed. "So you mean to tell me that you're going to blow off going to this party over some chick you just met?" He leaned against the trunk beside me, waiting on my response.

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