Hold Me Now-Nine

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Chapter Nine

"I'm tired of standing in line," Niall wined after about three minutes. Zayn chuckled at him, setting down his suitcase on the pavement next to him. The line was long, and it would be a while before they got to the front. Zayn looked around, then smiled at Niall, who was hopping from foot to foot.

"Fine, then go play over in the grass," Zayn said. Niall's face lit up like a kid who just got a cone of ice cream as he dashed off. He raced to a tree, then cupped his hands around his mouth. He shouted something to Zayn, but Zayn couldn't hear him.

"Tell me to go!" Niall shouted, attracting attention. He blushed, but got into running position, his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth, his lips pressed firmly on it. Zayn couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked. Zayn cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Go!" He shouted. Niall sprinted to the other tree, which was a ways off. Halfway there, he stumbled, tripped, tumbled, hopped back up, and kept running. Zayn laughed quietly, shaking his head. Niall was so adorable.

"Zayn!" Zayn spun around to see Harry and Louis, suitcases in one hand, holding each other's hand in the other. They got in line with Zayn, making other people grunt in anger, which quickly faded away when Harry and Zayn glared at them.

"Where's Niall?" Louis panicked, looking around. "You haven't even gotten the bracelets, and you lost him already?" Zayn chuckled at him as Harry kissed the top of his head, snaking an arm around Louis' waist and pulling him closer.

"No, I haven't lost him," Zayn scoffed playfully, a hand flying to his chest. "What do you take me as? I couldn't lose Niall even if I wanted to, he's too hard to lose. He's over there, playing. He got bored standing here." Louis looked over at Niall, who was rolling around in the grass, laughing, then leaned over to Zayn.

"Listen to me," he whispered so that only Zayn could hear, "Niall's a tough kid, yet at the same time he's fragile. He's gone through terrible things. He needs protection, and that's your job on this trip. If you do anything, and I mean anything, to hurt him, I will strangle you. Niall is my best friend, and I'm trying to make him think-no, know-he's actually worth something. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Zayn said, getting nervous for some odd reason. Louis was a good friend, and Zayn was glad he helped Niall through the bad times. Louis smiled, stepping back to Harry, who had been watching.

"Good," he said, "because Niall needs someone like you in his life." Zayn blushed. What did Louis mean, someone like Zayn? He opened his mouth to ask, but Niall came rushing up, grass stains covering his arms, legs, and face.

"Louis," he wined, "come play with me." Niall grabbed Louis' hand, pulling him to the grass. Harry quickly pecked him on the lips before Niall dragged him off. Harry smiled at the two, then turned to Zayn. He sat on the top of his suitcase, crossing his legs and putting his chin on his hands.

"Have you made up your mind about Niall?" He asked softly. Zayn blushed and looked out at Niall. He and Louis were racing. "Go!" Harry shouted, giggling as they ran off. "My boyfriends going to win." Zayn's eyes narrowed, and he crosses his arms over his chest.

"No way, clearly Niall is going to win," he said, his eyes locked on the blonde. At the last moment, Niall tripped, landing hard on his hands and knees. "Niall!" He shouted as he rushed to Niall's aid, Harry saving their spot. Louis knelt down by his side, his hand resting on Niall's shoulder. Zayn fell to his knees next to Niall, taking the Irish boy in his arms. "Shh, Niall, it's okay."

Niall cried quietly into Zayn's chest, and Zayn stroked Niall's hair. Zayn took Niall's hand in his, examining it. There was a big grass stain, but that was about it. The other one had a small cut, nothing bad. His knees seemed fine, also. Niall slowly started to calm down, and wiped tears off of his face. He then jumped up, a smile on his face.

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