Chapter 24

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• Justin •

I looked at the watch on my wrist.

2:07 p.m.

Carter's graduation started at 3. She was probably getting ready and stuff at the moment. Why not surprise her before the show?

I grinned to myself, staring at the big hotel in front of me where her graduation was being held. It looked pretty fancy. There were graduates already in their robes roaming the front lot of the hotel, all of them laughing loudly with big smiles etched onto their faces.

I started to make my way to the front doors, a big bouquet of roses in my hands and a smile written across my lips.

Today was a big day.

• Carter •

"You never told me this was for the after party." Cale holds up the dress I'd bought yesterday.

I chuckle. "You actually thought I was going to wear that beneath my robe? It would make me look fat!"

Cale laughs. "I guess I just didn't think it through."

I roll my eyes and change the subject. "Can you turn around for a sec? I need to change my bra."

"Why? Will the one you're wearing now be visible through your white shirt?" He jokes.

I frown. "Yes! Turn!" I motion for him to look away and he does as told, laughing softly beneath his breath.

I hurry up and pull off my current bra, slipping on a white one and struggling to clip it on on the back.

"Cale? I think I need your help." I mumble, not able to clip on my bra.

Cale laughs and turns around, swiftly clipping on my bra. "If Haley sees this, she's going to kill me."

"Haley? Your lab partner? The one that came over the other day to work on your chemistry project?" I make sure to add air quotes around 'chemistry project'.

Cale shifts awkwardly. "Yeah, her..." He fakes a cough. "Remember when I told you I was going over to Ethan's?" Cale says, referring to his best friend.

I nod. "Yeah. What about it?"

A nervous smile forms on Cale's face. "I was really going over to Haley's, ya know. To work on the project? I only said I was going to Ethan's because, well, my mother would never let me go over to a girl's house at night..."

I make a motion with my hands telling him to just get to the point.

He chuckles slightly. "We worked on the project. For a while. Then we...kissed."

Both my eyebrows automatically raise, my jaw dropping.

"But that's it." Cale blurts. "We kissed and went back to working on the project and...and then I asked her out to dinner and, well, we're going to dinner tonight."

"Cale!" I squeal. "That's great!" I absentmindedly throw my arms around him, not caring that I was only in a bra and a jean skirt.

The whole time I was unaware of a door opening and closing.

• Justin •

"Ms.Gray!" I called, waving my free hand in the air as I approached Carter's Aunt Marci who was chatting excitedly with some lady I didn't recognize.

"Justin!" Aunt Marci grinned when she spotted me, wrapping me in a hug the minute I approached her. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

I hugged her back, trying not to hurt the roses. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm keep my promises." I smile, pulling away.

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