Chapter 4

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On the short walk back from the coffee shop, Chloe couldn't help but play with the idea of taking the job. It would be nice to move out of the college dorm and get away from all those students and their hormones. What if the pay was better? He hadn't mentioned that detail.

He did look as though he needed a good meal. He was very thin for his height. One thing Chloe loved besides drawing was cooking. It would be nice to have the opportunity to prepare meals for someone who might actually appreciate proper food. He did seem genuine and then there was that sense of sadness about him. Everyone needed a little help now and then, she thought, even rockstars.

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing. The more she walked, the more she thought about him. By the time she reached the dorm she'd almost considered calling him. As soon as she stepped through the door, Chloe was greeted by the same old mess she'd cleaned up one too many times, the careless disregard for public space, beer bottles, pizza boxes, etc.

Resigned to her task, she started cleaning up one thing at a time until the front room was clear. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was almost noon and no one was even up yet. She could hear the snoring upstairs. Feeling a draft, she hugged her arms as she walked through the long hallway of the rickety old house into her room. Chloe sat on the edge of her twin size bed, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic. The tiny window never allowed enough light in. She walked over to the shared bathroom to freshen up. Sure enough, there was the usual mess she had gotten used to. Today it was just too much, the last straw.

The very next moment, she found herself calling the number on the folded piece of paper. The phone rang once, twice, he probably wasn't home but then on the third ring there was a "Hello?" Chloe almost hung up.

Despite being nervous she managed to find her voice. "Hello, Ashton?"

"Speaking... Chloe?" He could hardly hear her. "Is that you?"

"Yes... so, what would you say to a second interview?" She held her breath, waiting, almost expecting him to have changed his mind. Only now she was desperate to get out of her situation.

"Wow, that would be great. I'm actually free this afternoon. Why don't you come by and I'll show you around the house? We can talk more about the details?"

"This afternoon? Sure, I guess so. Oh, but I don't have your address." Chloe was all of a sudden hesitant, but it was too late to back out. After all, she had called him.

"I can pick you up if you like or would you prefer to drive over here?"

"Oh well, I don't have a car but I can make my own way over there." She didn't feel comfortable with being picked up at the house. She didn't want to deal with any questions.

"Okay. Actually, I'm not far from the coffee shop. I'm at 143 Pine St. It's the house on the corner. When can I expect you?"

"Is two o'clock okay?" she asked, checking the time.

"Sure that would be great," he answered.

"Perfect! I'll see you at two o'clock." She hung up the phone before she could change her mind. She was going to have to leave soon. It was now a quarter past one. She would have to rush. Quickly, she changed out of her casual clothes and into a pair of black dress pants and a white blouse. She touched up her lip-gloss, grabbed her jacket and purse and out the door she went before anyone had a chance to ask any questions.


To be continued...

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Hand In Glove

Copyright © 2014 by Maria Bernard. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-9731474-5-2


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