Chapter 35

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The next morning, Chloe woke up and made her way into the kitchen. It was Saturday, she had promised Jill she would invite her over that afternoon. The house was still quiet. It was only nine o'clock. Before starting breakfast, she quickly called Jill. "Good morning, it's me, Chloe. Do I have something to tell you! Never mind just get here around three. Great, see you then."

Chloe smiled as she started the coffee pot, her heart skipping a beat, hearing footsteps on the stairs. She felt Ashton approach and his hands around her waist, pulling her in from behind. He leaned in and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, sweet cheeks," he said, giving her a playful slap on her rear end. He turned and sat in his chair with a huge grin on his face.

"Good morning yourself, stud muffin," she said, smiling ruefully at him. "Shall we have some breakfast?"

"Yes, I'm starving. I've got a busy day ahead. The guys will be coming over this afternoon for band business. I've got to get my head back in the game. All these love songs have gotten me all wishy-washy," he said with a sigh. "Those guys will tear me apart if I don't toughen up by the time they get here."

"Aw, poor love-struck rockstar. What can we do about that? Should I leave you alone for a while?" Chloe teased as she placed his bacon and eggs in front of him.

"Don't you dare." He took her her hand in his. "But we can try and keep things just between us for now. I mean, for a little longer. Until you're comfortable with everything," he said, releasing her.

"That's a good idea, Ashton. We'll take our time. Nothing has to change, does it?"

"Nothing will change, Chloe, because nothing has changed. We've only said out loud what we've known for a long time. It'll just make things easier for us. We don't have to hide our feelings anymore," he said between mouthfuls. "That said, no one else has to know just yet, although... I think they might have already suspected."

"Really, who?" Chloe asked from across the table.

"Nick, he had us figured out from the beginning, poor guy." Ashton smiled.

"Yes, I guess he did," Chloe agreed, thinking about that time on the couch with Nick.

"Are you at all torn between the two of us? I mean, I'd understand if you were. He's a great guy. Not to mention he loves you too. You must know," Ashton said with a thoughtful smile.

Chloe thought carefully about her answer. "Ashton, if I had never met you. If I had met Nick first, who knows what would've happened. Truthfully, though, I would probably never have met him if not for you. Why drive ourselves crazy about something that just isn't? So, no, I am not torn at all. My heart is with you. I love you and all three of us know it." She smiled, satisfied with her answer. Ashton shouldn't have any doubts as to where her loyalty lies from now on.

"Okay, okay, I've got you, babe, thank you," he said, reaching across the table for her hand.

"I've got a question for you now," Chloe stated.

"Go for it."

"If we go ahead with this and become a couple, romantically involved?"

"Yes?" Ashton waited.

"How will it affect our working relationship? Does this alter our contract?" she asked, struggling for the right words.

"You mean, do you still get paid?" He laughed. "I see the predicament." He nodded raising an eyebrow. "Well, why don't we just keep things as they are. You keep doing what you're doing and I'll continue to pay you. Like I said, nothing has changed except now we both get some extra added benefits, if you get me." He smiled wryly.

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