Chapter 37

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Chloe woke up Monday morning. It was early, only seven-thirty. She couldn't get back to sleep so she got up and went to the bathroom and washed her face. She smiled to herself, remembering the night before. It was so romantic when Ashton sang her songs to her. She would never forget the way he looked at her as the words flowed from his lips.

She got dressed and went to the kitchen and started the coffee. She heard movement upstairs and then Ashton's footsteps descending the steps. She turned and gave him a questioning look. "You're up early."

He walked over and lifted her up on the counter. He kissed her and ran his hands over her body. "Well, I figured if we were going to stick to the rules, I'd have to get a kiss in before nine," he said, holding her face between his hands.

"Oh, right, I see what you mean." She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his shoulders and sighed. "Do you think we're going to make it? Until Friday afternoon?" she asked, kissing his chin. She felt him buckle and moan.

"I don't know." He breathed huskily, leaning into her. "We're going to try." With much reluctance, he set her down on her feet.

The week went by like any other. Ashton and Chloe stuck to rule and it was easier than she had anticipated. She actually started to relax and enjoy the time they spent together just talking and hanging out. The guys came over and had their practice session. Chloe chose to sit and watch them since they seemed to appreciate the audience. She wanted to ask Chris about Jill but figured she'd wait and ask her first.

They were all hyped up about this big concert on Friday. It was in a bigger venue than usual. They were part of a three-band lineup, going on second and apparently it was a big deal. Chloe hadn't heard of the other two bands. Although it was clear that they were quite popular.

At breakfast Friday morning, Chloe noticed Ashton's mood was strangely subdued. "So, hey, it's your big night. Aren't you excited?"

"Chloe..." he said in one long breath behind a pained expression. "I don't... just be quiet, please." He sat, massaging his temples.

"Yikes, I'm sorry I just thought..."

"Please, just stop talking," he said, breathing deeply.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone." She got up with every intention of leaving his presence. The last thing she wanted was to upset him.

"Sit down, Chloe!" He held her by the hand. "I said be quiet. I didn't ask you to leave. Why don't you ever just listen?"

"Stop it!" she said, frustrated. "Let go. I'll sit, just relax." He released her and she sat back down and finished her cereal in silence.

"It's just... I don't know anymore. I don't know if this is what I want to do anymore."

"Why?" she dared to ask.

"I don't know," he spouted.

"You need a vacation, a real vacation. Like a few weeks or a month. To clear your head," she said, hoping he wouldn't freak.

"A vacation?" He repeated incredulously. "That's your advice? How does that help me today?"

Visibly shaken but undeterred, she answered him. "Today, you just get up on stage and do your best. Have fun with it. Don't think about it so much and get through it." She paused and frowned at him. "What's the problem, anyway? I thought you'd gotten beyond all that. It's not that guilt thing, is it?"

"Quit trying to fix me, Chloe," he snapped as he stood up. "You can't. No one can. It's just something I go through. I get down and there's no coming back up until I'm ready. So, just back off."

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