Part #7: The Judgement of Zephyr: Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Rosetta, where're we going?" Jason followed the Lady Callista down narrow passageways and up winding stairs, through glorious halls and past enormous high-ceilinged rooms. He had lost track of his location long ago, head spinning from shock and fear. How could Kalligan do this to me? He wondered bitterly. After everything we've been through, I thought I could trust him. I thought we were in this together.

Rosetta paused, trailing one scarlet fingernail over the gadget in her palm. "Skyler's room. I believe you have a maiden to rescue."

"Morgan," Jason muttered. "How'd you know?"

She tilted her head, eyes narrowing. "This is my home, McKinley. Skyler's my brother."

"You've got cams in his room?"

"I've got cams in his everywhere." She smirked. Spinning on one high heel, she made a sharp turn down a dimly illuminated passage. The hem of her silken white dress whispered behind her. The soft clipping of her stilettos was magnified by the narrow walls. "No time to waste, Captain. The fates of two worlds rest in your hands."

Skyler's room—the chamber of the King—was located near the center of Nathandra's citadel, exactly where Jason remembered it being. With a pang of painful nostalgia, he recalled how it had once been his father's room, a safe haven during his childhood and a place of council and companionship through his early teen years.

The huge mahogany-and-marble doors were guarded by four armed men dressed in traditional Nathandrian military attire. They wore white hoods and masks, only their eyes visible beneath the disguise. Each held a standard-issue belt knife and an A-grade warrior's handgun. When they saw Rosetta they stood at attention, heads bowed and eyes averted.

"My Lady," one of them spoke, his tone rough but respectful. "If you're here to see the King, I am sorry to inform you that he is currently occupied."

Rosetta's icy green eyes narrowed slightly. "Tell him I don't care if he's got fifty girls in there. I must see him at once."

The man didn't dare argue. "Yes, My Lady." Two guards shuffled toward the door, lifting the enormous bolt. "And your companion?"

"Oh, him," Rosetta waved her hand dismissively at Jason. "He's nothing but a serving boy. He's with me."

The guards bowed their heads, averting their eyes as they threw wide the doors. "As you wish, my Lady."

Jason peered around Rosetta, pulling his hood low over his face. Ahead of him Skyler's room opened like a maw of golden teeth, the gilded furniture glittering brightly under the soft glow of a gently swinging chandelier. In the middle of the space was a massive bed adorned with silk cushions and a sleek velvet comforter, kept off the ground by an ornate mahogany frame. Two human-shaped blobs shifted under the sheets, accompanied by a girl's high-pitched giggles and a man's low laughter.

"Skyler," Rosetta said, glaring at the tangled mass of bodies and cloth with haughty disdain. "I need to speak to you immediately."

Morgan's head emerged first, lipstick smeared and mocha skin flushed. Her false-blue eyes flickered from Rosetta to Jason, a tiny smile of recognition momentarily twisting her mouth. "Oh, shit," she sighed, rolling her eyes as she pushed the bedclothes off her half-clad form and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Caught in the act."

Skyler emerged moments later, face twisted in an expression of fury and disgust. "Fuck off, Rosetta. I'm busy!"

The Lady of Nathandra lifted her lip, lowering her chin slightly as she stared her brother down. "I can see that."

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