Part #7: The Judgement of Zephyr: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Two thousand steps. "Fight for me, Zephyr. Help me save them."

Two thousand and ten. "Look at me, Caelum. You did this to me."

Two thousand and thirteen. "Burn with me, Kallie. This is our justice."

Kalligan closed his eyes, falling to his knees on yet another platform between two flights of steps. He pressed his hands to his ears. The voices surrounded him, whispering and hissing in the blackness, blurring and fading like the haunted cries of dying men on a battlefield. He'd been climbing for hours, days, years, and yet the light at the top of each staircase faded as soon as he came close, leaving him to stumble alone through the dark with only his dying hope to sustain him.

"I loved you, Zephyr."

"You broke me, Caelum."

"Kahyem, Kallie."

Kalligan clenched his jaw to keep himself from crying out. The throbbing in his muscles and the sensation of airlessness burning in his chest made him dizzy with fear and pain. The cold echoes of human words mocked his sanity, twisting themselves through his consciousness until he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, falling or flying, burning or frozen solid.

"At last, he arrives."

Kalligan looked up at the sound of a strange voice, his blue eyes full of swirling terror and confusion. He let his shaking hands fall from his ears. A tall young man stood at the top of the final stairwell, dressed in white from his booted feet to the top of his hooded head. Half of the stranger's face was covered. He was surrounded by a dull white glow. His mouth was quirked into a half-smile, as if pleased by the sight of the teenage boy at his feet. His fingers had curled into fists by his sides. Although he didn't look strong or particularly dangerous, there was an aura of deadly self-confidence and determination about him that sent a shiver down Kalligan's spine.

"Zephyr of Amaranth. I am Arken, God of Thought and Memory." The man spoke again, his low voice reverberating through the narrow passages of the dark tower. "I am here to guide you through the darkest moments of your past, to show you where it all began. Are you ready to learn who you truly are, Zephyr? Are you prepared to face your crimes?"

Kalligan took a deep breath, slowly rising to his feet and blinking as he took in the blinding whiteness before him. Not trusting himself to speak, he gave Arken a quick, sharp nod. I'm not ready, he thought, his heart thudding painfully against his ribs. I don't think I'll never be. But I have to know.

Arken dipped his head slowly, his hood falling lower as he did so. Turning away, the God of Memory disappeared into the white glow in a sweep of snowy robes. Kalligan followed at once, afraid to lose his new guide in the blinding light outside. His legs were weak but his desire to know the truth kept him going, one painful step after another.

"Behold, Zephyr," Arken stood at the edge of the dark spire, one hand extended toward the sky. He made a sweeping gesture at the sprawling magnificence of the glorious city far below. "Amaranth the Eternal City. Home of the powerful Pure."

Kalligan stepped forward, his breath catching and his heart pausing in his chest as he stood beside Arken at the edge of the dark tower. "Amaranth," he repeated in an awed tone. The word was heavy and familiar on his tongue. "Kil juna. Kil iotan. (My hope. My heart.)"

Arken's hooded face turned toward him and for an instant Kalligan caught sight of the God's dark eyes beneath the ivory cloth. They were deep gray like the heart of a terrible storm, churning with the chaos of a thousand wars. "Ϋoa, Zephyr. Salara lorma klanakar feala. (Yes, Zephyr. She was your home.)"

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