Part #8: Una Anima: Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The return hike to the camp was slow and wearying. Jason could feel the last dregs of his energy sliding away with every plodding step. His muscles cramped and his heart beat reluctantly fast in his chest. The autumn air bit at his throat and lungs, fingers of frost trailing across his exposed face and hands. Although he'd managed to wipe away most of the sewage back in Jyith, the smell still clung to him like an unshakable plague, thick and heavy in his nose.

"There." Rosetta pointed to something up ahead. "I see Rithian. He must be waiting for you."

Jason followed her gaze. Rithian Sol, his second in command, was sitting on a log near the edge of camp, eyes lifted to the sky. His hands were clasped in his lap, lips moving rapidly. He looked like he was praying.

"Rith," Jason said once he was close enough to be heard. Rithian leapt about five feet in the air, hands going instantly to his twin handguns. Jason threw up his hands. "Dude, chill. It's Jason."

"Jay!" Rithian's whole face broke into a massive grin as Jason emerged from the bushes. The long-haired Liberator saluted his captain with a fist over his heart, whiskey eyes shining. "Where in the name of all the Gods of Beyond have you been?" His face fell slightly as he spotted the body bag Jason had dropped at the edge of the clearing. Concern pinched his eyebrows together. "Who's in the bag?"

Jason tried to muster a smile. It wouldn't come. He sighed, scrubbing one hand across his face in an attempt to physically cleanse the weariness from his skin. "Long story."

"Don't worry." A female voice, low and melodious, spoke from inside a nearby tent. "I've already told them where you've been." Sabrina stepped outside. Short black hair fell across her forehead and into her caramel eyes. Her too-white face looked drawn and tight with worry. Jason didn't miss the way her eyes flickered past him and landed on Rosetta, going dark with disappointment. "Where's Morgan?" She asked. Her voice was dangerously calm.

Jason's heart sank, his throat going suddenly dry. "I thought she'd come back here."

Sabrina glared daggers. "She left? You let her leave?"

"No one lets Morgan do anything," Rithian cut in. The long-haired Liberator made for the far end of camp, bare shoulders and back rosy with the cold. "Don't bite the Captain's head off, Sabrina." He paused to glance back at her. "I'm gonna get a shirt on and tell the others you're back. We've been prepping for invasion all night. I'm sure everybody'd love to know you're back without Skyler's hoards on your heels."

"He's not lying." Sabrina's eyes were dark, guarded. "Everyone thought you were going to start a war. By the looks of it, your team was ready to take on the entire Defense League for you, Captain McKinley. Although I don't think even the gods understand why." Her tone was harsh, bitter. Hiding the fear and anger that Jason could see burning just under her skin.

"You check the Illegirl camp?" Jason asked, swallowing his own rising fear. "Morgan would've gone back there first. Gods know she hates hiking way the fuck out here to see me."

Sabrina looked at him, long and hard. "Fuck you, McKinley. I don't even know why she likes you."

"But I see exactly why she likes you," Jason forced a smirk. "Bitchy attitude, hot as hell. You're practically twins." He too was hiding.

Letting the cocky façade drop, he exhaled a sigh. "Look, Sabrina, I don't have time for this. I'm gonna have to make a speech to my team, and there's some shit I need to talk over with Lady Callista before she takes off. Give me a moment."

"Fine," Sabrina spat. Spinning on her heel, she stalked away, disappearing back into the tent and tugging the flap closed behind her.

Exhaling exhaustedly, Jason returned his attention to Rosetta. She was standing stock-still, green eyes flashing in the mid-morning sun. Her white dress was torn and dirtied in several places but her skin had remained miraculously clear of filth or injury. She looked almost divine. Like a painted goddess come alive.

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