Part #9: Love and War: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The first real snowstorm of the year had arrived at last, leaving Desai forest blanketed in a layer of white as thick as a shag carpet. The trees shed the powder with soft whooshing sounds, dumping white onto the piles of crisp brown leaves scattered at their bases. The birds had flown south to Hi'ikia, Shimähr, and Mora for the winter, their last haunting calls fading as a wave of cold swept through the north.

Inside the Weapons Tent, Kevyn Jonston and Sterling Cole sat side by side, the former assembling and disassembling a gun and the later watching him with darkened eyes.

"Kevyn," Sterling said after a particularly long silence. "It's been almost twenty-seven hours since Captain McKinley and his team left us. When I looked at Nathandra's dome this morning, it appeared thicker."

"Could be the weather," Kevyn muttered, his attention never wavering from his task.

Sterling frowned. "You know it's not."

"So Skyler's putting more energy into security. It could mean a lot of things."

"They were caught."

"You don't know for sure."

"No, you don't know for sure. I do. All the signs are there. You just don't know where to look for them."

Kevyn looked up at last, blue eyes meeting haughty silver. He set the half-assembled gun down on the bench to his left. Crossed his muscular arms across his broad chest. "Okay, then, Cole. Enlighten me."

"There hasn't been a patrol since yesterday evening. The Defense League has retreated into the city because they've already caught who they were looking for."

"How do you know? Defense Agents can go undetected in these woods." Kevyn's words had an edge to them. A challenge.

Sterling rolled his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. That wasn't a personal insult and you know it. I don't care how good Skyler's Agents are, I'm better. If they had been in the forest, I would have known."

"Still don't see how."

"And you never will."

Kevyn sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. "Say McKinley and the others did get captured. What do you want me to do about it? Throw myself on Skyler's sword? Me against the Defense League? And all for the sake of the man who killed my brother?"

"You," Sterling snapped, "are a dramatic bastard." He stood, facing Kevyn. Although he was only an inch taller than his companion, Sterling's slightness exaggerated the difference considerably. "You have already forgiven McKinley for his crime. It's in the past, and I suggest you leave it there. Our captain is a vital part of the resistance against Skyler, and you know it. Don't let petty rivalry get in the way of the campaign to free this nation."

"Find someone else, Sterling." Kevyn seized the gun and continued his work with renewed fervor. "I'm not going. I don't owe the Liberators—or their pathetic excuse for a captain—anything."

Sterling clenched his fists, bracing himself. He took a deep breath and blew it out forcefully through his nose. "I'll let you do my camouflage if you come."

Kevyn jerked his head up. The beginning of a smile was twisting his lips and there was a mischievous spark growing in his bright eyes. "Are you messing with me?"

Sterling shook his head, grudgingly. The urge to roll his eyes was almost irresistible.

Kevyn was on his feet in half a second. The gun lay forgotten on the bench. He was grinning from ear to ear and looked more gleeful than Sterling could remember him being in the past year. "Even if it gets in your hair?"

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