Part #11: The Truth's Girl: Prologue

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The great city of New York never slept. The lights of Monterra's eastern shore burned eternally bright, illuminating streets covered with motor oil and decaying paper cups. Fliers advertising long-expired shows fluttered with a sound like ducks taking off from water; chilled gusts of wind blew through the city with a hollow moaning sound. On a cracked and worn sidewalk walked two people half-bent against the weather. They moved together, hand-in-hand and laughing. Their cheeks were red from the cold.

"C'mon," the man was saying. "It's just a shortcut! It'll be fun. It's super creepy down there. But don't worry, I'll protect you."

The girl whirled around and shoved him hard. He stumbled back and she lunged in, butting his shoulder playfully with her head. He reached out and caught her by the waist, pulling her in close. She squealed and let out a huff of mock annoyance. "You suck, Cory," she said. "Dick."

Cory laughed. He wrapped one sweater-clad arm around her shoulders. Leaned his cheek against the crown of her head. "You love me."

"No, I don't," she complained. She hid a smile in the fabric of his coat. "I don't wanna go in there, Cory. It's scary."

"Awww, Ambrosiaaa!" He drew out the last syllable of her name like a rubber band. "How about this? You let me take you on my shortcut past the park and I'll buy you anything you want at that little chocolate shop you like. We'll be going right past it if we go my way. Whatdaya say?"

Ambrosia tilted her head, cocking an eyebrow and pretending to consider. After a moment she sighed, rolling her eyes. "Oh, okay," she said.

"Love yah, babe." Cody grinned, reaching for her hand. "Just follow me. This way." He led her off the main road and into a narrow, dank alleyway. As they left the comforting glow of the streetlights, Ambrosia felt a pang of anxiety. She turned to Cody, moving closer to him. He smiled reassuringly and leaned in to her as they walked. "See?" he said. "It's just a faster way. Nothing scary! The gangs avoid this way because no one ever takes it, see? It's actually safer than the main street."

In the shadows ahead, something stirred. Ambrosia stopped in her tracks. "Cody," she breathed, "did you see that?"

"See what?" Cody said. He pulled ahead, tugging on her hand. "Oh, c'mon, don't do this! Think about the chocolates, Ambrosia. It's only a couple more blocks now."

Ambrosia's heartbeat picked up. She felt a prickling at the back of her neck. Someone's watching me, she thought. Whirling around, she looked back toward the well-lit street behind them. "Cody!" she screamed.

At the end of the alley were five dark shapes. Three men and two fierce-looking dogs lunging into their collars with terrifying strength. The light behind them made them look like shades from the underworld, tall and menacing as they slowly approached.

"Get behind me!" Cody shouted when he saw them. He moved in front of Ambrosia, shoving her back. She cried out, stumbling and falling heavily onto the concrete. As she regained her feet, she realized that there were five more figures approaching from the other end of the alley, moving far more swiftly than the first three.

"Well, well." The tallest among them—a man with a cigarette hanging from chapped lips and eyes as blue as a summer sky—stopped ten feet from the terrified couple. He looked Cody up and down. Smiled slightly. Like a betting man sizing up a fighter in the ring. "You like your chances, kid?"

Ambrosia watched in horror as Cody lifted his fists and planted his feet. "Get outta here," her boyfriend snarled. "We don't want trouble."

Cigarette Man laughed. It was a low, cold sound. Like a raven's call in the dead of night. "Move or I'll cut you down, kid. Don't you fuck around. I wanna talk to your little missus."

"No fuckin' way." Cody shifted again, spreading his arms to cover Ambrosia from the gang's sight. "You want her, you're gonna have to go through me."

In a single movement, the Cigarette Man drew a knife and sent it flying through the air. There was a dull thunk as it embedded itself in Cody's forehead, just between his eyes. Ambrosia screamed in horror as the man she loved sank to the ground. He twitched, spasms seizing his body. And then he was still. His blank eyes stared lifelessly at the electric blue dome high overhead.

"If that's how you'd have it," the gang leader said. Beside him, the other two figures—a burly, thickset man and a wiry young woman—exchanged glances. Their dogs barked excitedly, flashing cruel white teeth.

"Now, darlin'. I need to talk to you." The Cigarette Man approached Ambrosia, stepping over Cody's limp body. She stood frozen with fear. Unable to move or even lift a finger to defend herself. Her body quivered with terror. Her breath caught in her throat and hissed in and out between parched lips. Besides, even if she'd wanted to run, there was nowhere for her to go. Behind her, the other five gangsters had stopped in a line across the alleyway. The only ways out were blocked. She was trapped.

"Don't!" she gasped. Her throat felt closed off. Blood pounded in her ears. The tips of her fingers tingled painfully. "Don't you come any closer to me, you pig!"

The gang leader considered her for a long moment. He rolled the cigarette between his lips. A smile lifted the corner of his mouth. With only three feet between them, she caught a whiff of his scent: smoke, iron, and new leather. He reached into his pocket. Pulled out a small, cylindrical piece of silver. "This," he said softly, "is a very special piece of metal. See, it's got your name on it. Now, if you don't cooperate..." He drew a sleek black handgun, releasing the clip and loading the single bullet into the chamber. "...This special little bit of metal is goin' in your pretty little head. Do you understand me?"

Ambrosia nodded, mute with fear.

"Good." The man pinched his cigarette between two fingers and removed it from his mouth. He tossed it down between them. The tip flickered and sparked as it struck the concrete. "Now tell me, darlin'," the man said. His voice was calm but his eyes were hard and wild with something like greed. "Where is it?"

"What?" Ambrosia squeaked out. Her body shook with fear. Her knees felt like two thin pillars holding up a thousand pounds of marble. "I don't know what you..."

The gang leader surged forward and grabbed her by the throat. She tried to scream but found she couldn't. "The Nythriam, Miss Kawashima," he snarled. The tip of his gun dug into her temple. She felt the heat of his breath on her cheek. "Where is it?"


(Question of the Chapter: So what do you think happened here? Any more guesses as to what the Nythriam might be, or what its significance to the story could be? ;D)

AHHHGGG! So I totally forgot to update yesterday. I'm gearing up for my first year of away-from-home college, so I've been way too busy for my own good, but still. So sorry about that! >.<

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter (well, prologue, really) of Part #11! I'm so excited to be getting into the climax of this book now. :D

As always, thank you, thank you, thank you to all of my readers and supporters! You guys/gals are the very, very best. <3

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