Part #11: The Truth's Girl: Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Did you get the iodine?" Nikki's voice came from behind a clump of snow-dusted ferns. Her words were as clear and crisp as the morning air.

Kalligan patted his pocket. The hard outline of a small glass bottle bulged against his palm. "Yup," he called back. "Ready to go?"

Nikki's head appeared above the ferns. She straightened up, dusting snow off the knees of her jeans. The shy smile that lit up her face was pure and bright as starlight on a summer night. "I am whenever you are."

"Great. C'mon, then." Kalligan moved out of the brush and back onto the trail. As he walked, he pulled out his phone and checked their last recorded location on the map. "Looks like we've got about another mile before the border."

"Crap," Nikki said, sighing dramatically. "I forgot my passport."

Kalligan laughed. He shook his head. "I can't believe those were ever a thing."

"I know, right?" Nikki said. She caught up to him, walking just to his left. She glanced at him. Her brown eyes sparkled with the bright light of early morning sunshine on fresh snow. "Guys like you and the captain—er, prince, I mean--would've been able to fake your way into any country. No wonder they don't use them anymore."

"Guys like the captain and I still can," Kalligan replied, smirking. "You should hear Jason list off the answers to the Fafykrnamnrysh and Hi'ikian crossing questions. It's like watching a trivia champion in the final round."

Nikki smiled widely. Slowly, the cheerful expression faded and turned thoughtful. "I miss him," she said softly. Her smile curved downward. "I miss all of them. I hope they're okay."

Kalligan nodded. "Yeah," he sighed, "me too."

Up ahead, the trail began to widen. Three days had passed since Kalligan and Nikki set out from Nathandra City, and already they had crossed the Great Range of mountains east of Valéqrose. A two-day train ride from Spokane to Caligrith, Nathandria, had shaved off almost 900 miles of travel and brought them within ten miles of the border.

"Up there," Nikki whispered suddenly. She grabbed Kalligan by the sleeve of his jacket and pulled him down. "Oh, sorry for... I mean..." She let go of him, blushing and dipping her head. "I thought I saw something?"

Kalligan slowly rose back to his full height. Standing perfectly still, he scanned the clearing ahead. "Yeah," he whispered back, "there're two people. A man and a woman."


"Looks like it."


"Can't tell." Kalligan shook his head. He turned and helped her to her feet. "It'll be fine. At least we don't have to go through one of the metropolitan crossings."

Even after she had steadied herself, she kept a firm grip on his hand. There was uncertainty in her gaze. "Why can't we just sneak by? Why cross legally? Not that I'm trying to second-guess your plan or anything; I'm really not, I just..."

"We need directions." Kalligan said, cutting off her embarrassed stuttering. "I have no idea where we're going. Just the name of the forest. I'm hoping these guards'll know how to get there."

"That makes sense." Nikki looked down. "I wish it didn't, but it does."

"Don't worry." Kalligan squeezed her hand and flashed a reassuring smile. "It'll be fine."

As they approached the clearing, Kalligan held his breath. His fingers ached for the knife concealed in his boot. He fought the urge to reach for it, telling himself over and over that there was no need for fear. That there was nothing illegal about what they were doing. But what if Deyanira has spies along the border? The disturbing thought forced its way to the forefront of his mind. What if she catches us?

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