Part #8: Una Anima: Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The sky had grown dark by the time Jason finished explaining the new developments to the Liberators.

He assembled them as soon as he, Kalligan, and Rosetta had returned to the camp, promising to spare them no details. He broke his promise in one way only—instead of telling them about his vision of the bodies outside the Temple of Kyros, he pretended that he'd remembered something Kalligan had told him a few months back about seeing Àmandinian bandits hanging around the old structure. He knew most of them didn't buy it, and was thankful when they kept their doubts to themselves.

"Go rest, Cap," said Bree once the meeting was disassembled. Her dark brown eyes were kind and full. The deadly warrior Jason knew lurked just beneath the surface had stepped down for the moment.

"I will," he replied. "I just got a couple more things on the ol' to-do list."


"Nah, Sabrina's on top of that. She's heading back to her camp to check in with the other girls. If they can't find Morgan by the end of next week, she's comin' back to get me."

"Then what is it, Captain? Not that I'm trying to pry, of course," Bree added. "You can tell me to fuck right the hell off it you want. You know I will." She smiled.

Jason chuckled. "I've just gotta talk some shit over with Rosetta before she takes off. Nothin' too important, Bree. Don't worry about it." He sounded exhausted and worn down even to his own ears.

"Good." She reached out, cupping his face with one hand and leaning in as if to kiss his cheek. At the last moment she pulled back, nose wrinkled and teeth bared in disgust. "Blegh, Jason. Take a goddamn bath. For the love of the Gods."

He swatted playfully at her shoulder. "I will if ya join me."

She rolled her eyes, playing at being offended. "In your wildest dreams, McKinley." She stalked away across the clearing, tossing her tightly curled hair as she went.

"You sure have a way with the ladies." Rosetta had appeared at Jason's side, silent as a ghost. Her lips were quirked up into a teasing smile. She tilted her chin back, eyes reflecting the navy sky above. "Now what was it you wanted to talk to me about? I hate that I have to say this, but speak quickly. My brother will have begun to miss me by now. I don't wish to keep him waiting. He was gifted with neither patience nor manners."

"Yeah, okay." Jason stroked a hand across his jaw, wiping away flakes of dried blood. He could feel a bruise forming in the shape of Kevyn's knuckles. "It's my father. I need to get his body to my uncle. He'll know how to do a proper defrosting."

"I agree. I can help him get the necessary equipment."

"Great. So. If I sent a couple Liberators with you to carry him, you think you could take him to the cabin on your way back tonight? I don't want anyone finding out about him. Not yet. I just want it kept under wraps for a little while. Got it?"

Rosetta dipped her head, looking up at him from under long, dark lashes. "Skyler can't find out. I understand."

Jason gave her a tired smile. "Reading my mind. Like usual."

"I'll take Jet and Bree." Rosetta started back toward the edge of the clearing. She stopped beside where James McKinley's insulted body lay hidden, covered by the shade of a huckleberry bush. "Tell them to find me. I won't let anyone know about your father's survival, my Prince. I promise you."

"Appreciate it, Rosetta. You're the fuckin' best." He saluted, hand over his heart.

She smiled her tightest smile. "Until we meet again, Captain McKinley. In the meantime, never let your guard down. Remember: Caelum cannot be trusted."

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