Part #12: The Thirteenth Hour: Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

One week later...

"Lord McKinley! Lord McKinley! The Lady of Nathandra wishes to speak with you. She's called a meeting of the LEGACII heirs in the Council Hall."

Jason startled awake to the harsh rapping of knuckles on wood. Blearily, he lifted his head, blinking sleep from his eyes. Groaning, he turned over and flicked on the light beside his bed. The dull golden glow assaulted his vision, causing him to blink rapidly and squint to find his clothes.

"What's going on?" Morgan mumbled from beside him. Her arm was cast over his chest, half pinning him as he struggled upright. Ever since the night she'd seduced him in the Royal Chambers, the two of them had slept together every night. Although the easy banter and faux enmity of their old relationship had faded some, the bright spark of their passion, and—although neither of them liked to admit it outright—love for one another had remained.

"Lord McKinley." The guard's voice in the hall outside the Royal Chambers sounded again. "The Lady Callista is waiting. She doesn't like that very much, as I know you know."

"Yeah, I get it," Jason called. Half-falling out of bed, he reached for his white leather-and-metal Defense League combat suit and twin handguns. Strapping the weapons to his thighs, he made for the enormous double doors.

"Follow me." The guard outside was a middle aged woman with graying blonde hair and sharp stunning eyes. Her face was shadowed by the dip of her jacket's hood. The shades cast across her deep-toned skin hid her expression, but Jason could sense the agitation coming off her in waves.

"Be right back, Morgan," Jason called over his shoulder as he slid between the huge doors.

"You might not be." The guard had already started down the hall. She paused, glancing back at him over her shoulder. "Lady Callista says this might be it. Our one chance to save Earth once and for all."

"Scratch that, Morgan. Just get your ass outta bed and put something on. And not any of my mom's old lingerie that Skyler made you dress up in."

As he strode down the hallway after the guard, synching his belt and adjusting his guns as he went, Jason heard the doors slam behind him. A moment later Morgan caught up. The telltale whisper of her barely audible footsteps gave her away in an instant.

"How did you know about the lingerie?"

Jason snorted. "It was Skyler and you. How could there not be lingerie involved?"

Morgan raised an eyebrow. Her expression was caught between amusement and scorn. "What does that say about your choice of company, McKinley?"

"I like hot friends and I cannot lie." Jason grinned.

Up ahead, the guard stopped outside the entrance to the quickest shortcut leading to the Council Hall. "Right through here, my lord." She stepped back, bowing her head and thumping her fist over her heart. "Although you already knew that, I'm sure."

"Yeah, actually. But thanks anyway. If I can ever repay you in any way..."

"Okay, we're leaving." Morgan grabbed him firmly by the upper arm, steering him through the doorway and into the half-lit passage beyond. Once they were out of sight of the guard, she released him, giving him a hard shove in the back. "For Gods' sake, Jason," she scolded, "she's your mom's age!"

"C'mon, Morgan. Total MILF."

"You've got to stop using those dumb pre-War texting slangs, or so help me."

"You love it. It's cute."

"It's really fucking annoying."

"Almost as annoying as you barking in your sleep."

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