Part #12: The Thirteenth Hour: Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Once they were all inside, Mrs. Redd made for the kitchen. "I'll make some tea," she called over her shoulder, "what kind do you like?"

"Coffee," said Jason. "Tea's for old politicians and sick people."

"Earl Gray's great, mom," Bree said, giving Jason a look.

The four companions made their way into the living room, careful to heed Mrs. Redd's advice and limit their breathing.

The first thing Jason noticed was the blood on the tan shag carpet. There were large splotches of it, drying in dark spikes of stuck-together fibers. The stench of death—a stomach-turning mix of urine, blood, and gun smoke—covered everything. Despite Mrs. Redd's excessive use of vanilla-and-orange-scented candles, the stench hung in the air, chokingly thick and sickly sweet. The second thing he noticed was the odd tilt of the couch. Instead of facing the flickering fire at the far end of the rectangular room, the largest piece of furniture had been shifted back against the wall, balancing haphazardly on its three back legs. Jason didn't have to look to know that that was where the bodies were stashed. It was the only place big enough to hide one corpse, let alone five.

As he stood taking in the gruesome scene, Morgan sidled up beside Jason. Her arm brushed against his and he looked down to meet her gaze. She gave him a vulpine smile. Twisting her hips, she pressed herself up against him, fingers weaving into his hair. Her breath was hot against his breastbone. Her lips hovered over his Adam's apple. "So, hot-shot," she said, "why're we here, exactly? I don't think you got around to telling me."

"Yeah." Jason didn't reciprocate her advances. He stood stiff and unmoving, hands clenched at his sides. "Look, Morgan. We're here to find some people who might be able to kill Deyanira. You know, the crazy Àmandinian bitch who tried to take over the world during the Last War?"

She rolled her eyes. Pressed her lips against his throat. Opening her mouth, she nipped at the soft skin over his jugular. "I know who Deyanira is, idiot," she mumbled. "Get on with it."

Jason gritted his teeth. Struggled to concentrate. He could feel himself beginning to react to her touches, his self control slipping with every brush of her tongue against his pulse point. "Look, Morgan. Paws off." He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away. "This is not the time or the place. Actually, there isn't a time or place. Not anymore. So just... stop."

She glared up at him. Her golden eyes narrowed to slits. "Fine," she said. "Whatever you want, McKinley. Maybe you should get back to killing the Goddess of Darkness. That should be nice and easy."

"Just like you," he couldn't help himself, "minus the 'nice' part."

She snarled in his face. Her bared canine teeth elongated. Her eyes began to change from oblong to almost-shaped. Her hands, still resting against his chest, curled into paws. But then she caught herself. Reining in her wolf form, she turned away, stalking to the fireplace and sinking down beside it. "Fuck you, dickbag," she called over her shoulder. "You're not going to stop Deyanira. I'm just trying to help you live it up while you can. Before she kills all of you stupid Earthborns."

Jason clenched his jaw. He warred with the urge to grab something and throw it. To run across the room and knock Morgan to the ground, to wrap his fingers around her neck and shake some goddamn sense into her. Or maybe it's you, an intrusive voice spoke from the depths of his subconscious. Maybe you're the one who needs to get a fucking clue. I mean, who the hell are you kidding? You're not a god. You're not some great king with a destiny as big as his ego. And you're definitely not Kyros. Just some kid who happens to be related to him. Some idiot kid with emotional problems and a fucked up past. He raised his hands to his face. Pressed his palms hard against his eyes. The little voice was relentless, weaving itself through his thoughts and corrupting the hope and joy of everything it touched. Deyanira's gonna fucking destroy you.

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