Part #9: Love and War: Chapter One

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Chapter One

"My King." A guard burst through the double doors. He knelt before Skyler, hand over his heart. He didn't look up, his hood shading his eyes. "We have captured four spies in the citadel. They were dressed as Defense Agents. They had proper identification, but on closer inspection..."

"Guard." Skyler cut him off with one sharp word. "I am naked. Get the fuck out."

The guard looked up, finally, and blanched. Ashen-faced and wide-eyed, he stammered out an apology before beating a hasty retreat.

"I didn't say you could go." Skyler snapped. He reached for his robe. "Finish your report. Then I will judge your idiotic decision to enter announced."

The guard swallowed hard. There was raw fear in his eyes. "Yes, My Lord. I wouldn't have done so if this wasn't of the utmost importance."

"Well out with it, then!"

The guard flinched. "My Lord, the spies were Liberators. Among them was Kalligan Caelum and... and Jason McKinley, My King."

Silence met the kneeling man's words. Morgan looked from Skyler's shocked expression to the guard's downcast face, doing her best to remain unaffected by the news. He's here for me, she thought. Fucking idiot. I'm not some damsel in distress. He knows that. She dug her fingernails into her palms. Twin drops of sweat ran down her spine, leaving shimmering tracks on her bare skin.

"McKinley." Skyler repeated. He sounded disbelieving. Suspicious. "Here. In the citadel."

The guard nodded. "Yes, My Lord Callista. We apprehended him not ten minutes ago."

"Take me to the cells." Skyler's voice rose in pitch and volume. The young King whirled toward Morgan, wild eyes meeting hers. There was excitement on his face. In the triumphant tilt of his head. "Makayah, you'll come with me. If you're going to be Queen, you should understand the scope of your king's power. But put on your skimpiest outfit. I'm not done with you yet."

She bowed, turning away from him. A lump had risen in her throat, making speech impossible. Climbing across the untidy bed, she headed for the little closet beside Skyler's massive one. Jason goddamn fucking McKinley. Fuck my life. She reached for a short, Roman-style dress, pulling it on. The white slip gripped her waist and hips, the sheer silk tickling her skin.

Skyler finished dressing and headed out the door. He gestured for the guard to lead and Morgan to follow.

Nathandra's dungeon cells—reserved for masterminds and high profile political prisoners—were located beneath the citadel, guarded by the Defense League's sleeping quarters. If a prisoner managed to escape, they'd still have to get past over fifty highly trained intelligence and security agents before they could get close to the semi-freedom of the outer city.

The air in the dank, dark passages was thick with dust and blood. It smelled like an old closet left unopened for over a century. "This way," the guard said. He turned down a side passage, motioning for Skyler and Morgan to follow. "We're keeping them separated so that they can't formulate a group escape plan."

"Good thinking," Skyler said. His words were taut with anticipation.

The guard smiled tentatively at the unexpected praise.

At the end of the passage was a single door. Solitary confinement, Morgan thought. Skyler would never risk losing his greatest enemy now.

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