Part #11: The Truth's Girl: Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Nikki, run!" Kalligan screamed. Dodging the guards, he took off at a sprint toward the thinly treed tundra ahead. The shouts of Andraste did nothing to slow him. He was a mouse beneath the talons of a nighthawk; if he stopped, it would all be over.

"Kordeth! (Stop!)" The Nathandrian guard's voice echoed inside his head. A moment later she appeared before him, almost a blur as she raced ahead across the snow. She whirled like a lioness turning on a gazelle and stopped just feet away from him. Her dark hair swirled in the bitter breeze. Her bright eyes were like newly cut diamonds in the sun. "Li-oro, rah lik ki. (Brother, it is me.)" The woman approached him, raising one gloved hand to touch his cheek. He felt her warmth even through the fabric. She was a single glowing ember in a bed of heatless coals; the searing cold of the tundra hadn't touched her. She leaned in closer, and he smelled the sweet freshness of her breath as she exhaled.

"Juna?" The name was a gasp. Kalligan felt himself beginning to shake. From fear, disbelief, or cold, he could not tell. My sister. She's my sister.

"Yes, Zephyr." The woman—Juna—smiled sadly. Her hand fell from his face to his shoulder. "It's me. It's your Juna. Although now I'm mostly known as Koriana. Little flower of spring." She giggled, and the stern, mysterious façade fell away entirely. "I've missed you, big brother." She threw herself forward and wrapped him in a surprisingly strong embrace.

"Koriana! What is this?" Andraste had caught up to them. He was breathing heavily, bending and planting his palms against his knees as he regained his wind. Kalligan realized that he and Juna had strayed off the road in their blind, brief chase through the snow; tromping through the almost knee-high drifts would be draining even for a seasoned cross-counter runner.

"Relax, Andraste! He's my brother," Juna said with a little laugh. She released Kalligan and stepped back, training her stunning smile on the panting Varadrínite. "I thought the name of that town he mentioned was familiar. I haven't seen him since I was seven years old." She turned back to Kalligan, beaming as she caught one of his hands in hers. She held it up, pressing his open palm against her cheek.

Nikki was right behind Andraste. She stopped dead when she saw Kalligan's hand on Juna's face, and her expression fell slightly. "Wait, what's going on?" Her wide eyes searched Kalligan's face for an answer.

"Nikki," Kalligan gently pulled his hand from Juna's grip and turned to face Nikki, "this is Ju... er, Koriana. My sister."

Nikki's face lit up like War Day fireworks. "Oh!" she said. She smiled widely as she held out a hand to Juna. "Hi, Koriana. It's very nice to meet you. You're very beautiful. I mean, you're... you..." She blushed, ducking her head.

Juna laughed as she shook Nikki's hand with both of her own. "Thank you, Kansora. It was Kansora, wasn't it?"

Kalligan shot the dark-haired Àmandinian a thankful look. It wouldn't help to have to explain to an official Varadrínite guard why they'd lied about their names at the border.

"Yes, it was." Nikki tentatively returned Juna's bright smile.

"Well," Andraste said gruffly. He looked from one traveler to the other before settling his attention on Juna. "Koriana, your shift ends tomorrow. I will watch for you until then. Go with your brother. Take him to Lake Uiscedonn. Guide him safe through my land. You do know the way, don't you?"

"I do." Juna reached forward and took Andraste's face between both her hands. She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Go raibh maith agat, Andraste," she said.

"Then go with my blessing, Koriana," Andraste replied. Dipping his head in farewell to Nikki and Kalligan, he turned and tromped off back toward the border.

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