Part #10: Red Dawn: Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The streets of Nathandra were cold and silent as Kalligan left the citadel and crossed the City Center. His breath billowed like dragon smoke. It cloaked his face in thick whiteness, hiding an expression of grim triumph. In his hand he held a small leather-bound book. In his mind he held the answers he had searched for since finding himself back in Desai.


Kalligan startled at the sound of his name. He stopped dead, looking around in the half light of the dying day. "Hello?" he called, slightly nervous.

From behind the fountain at the city's center emerged Nikki. Her short white hair was clipped back and her brown eyes reflected the distant glow of Nathandra's dome. As she approached, she lowered her head, fiddling with a piece of paper in her hands. "Kal, why're you going to Varadrín? Why aren't you telling the captain—er, prince, I mean—where you're going? I don't want to be nosy," she added quickly, avoiding his incredulous gaze, "but I'm scared you're running off. You're not, are you? You're not leaving Nathandria because of the sickness?"

"What?" Kalligan was so shocked he laughed aloud. "No, no way! Listen, Nikki, that's not it. I'm coming back. There's just... just something I have to do. To protect the city. I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll come back though. I promise."

She stared at him. She looked caught between confusion and concern. "What sort of something?"

"Can't say, Nikki." He turned away. Holding the book tighter, he started down the street toward the distant gates. "I wish I could."

She caught up to him silently. A white panther stalking him through a concrete jungle. He startled as she came suddenly into view. He had momentarily forgotten just how stealthy any of the Liberators could be if they wanted to go unheard. "Kal," she said seriously, "wherever you're going, I'm coming."

"Is that a promise or a threat?"

She cocked an eyebrow, smiling her shy little smile. "It's whatever you want it to be, I guess. I just want to make sure you're okay. Not that you wouldn't be on your own," she added, tripping over her own words and looking down. "You're a big strong hero now, I've heard."

Kalligan laughed, shaking his head. "You're impossible. Is this what Jason feels like when I try to tag along on his solo missions?"

"There's no try about it," Nikki replied. There was a playful slant to her words. "Besides, unlike the Prince of Nathandria, you don't have the authority to send me away. So you're just going to have to put up with me."

He faked a groan. "Oh no. How horrible."

She elbowed him hard in the ribs. He winced, flinching away slightly. "Sorry," she blushed. "I didn't mean to be so rough."

"Yeah, yah did." Kalligan smiled.

"So where are we going?" Nikki asked as the streetlights flickered off around them, plunging the street into pseudo-darkness. Overhead, the moon showed through a thin cloud layer, casting its faint light onto the marble city. "Should I have brought a weapon?"

Kalligan sighed. Her words, meant in jest, he supposed, had reminded him of the dark path that lay ahead. You have to give her the slip, he told himself sternly. You can't have her death on your conscience. It'll kill you. And yet, despite this warning from his rational side, he couldn't bring himself to leave Nikki in the city and escape into Desai on his own. Especially since Nathandra was no longer safer than the world outside. At least that was what he told himself as he watched her walking through the faint moonlight, her white hair gleaming pale blue in the electric glow of the dome. She's beautiful, he thought absently. A passing thought that he chased away quickly. And you're a doomed immortal. There's nothing on earth for you but pain and death. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to keep his gaze on the road ahead.

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