Part #9: Love and War: Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The day of the wedding arrived faster than Jason and his team had expected. After hearing from a couple of loud, gossiping guards that Skyler had set the date back two days to accommodate the Fafykrnamnrysh High King's hectic war schedule, they suddenly found themselves with twenty-four hours to go and nothing better than a few half-baked escape plans to work with.

"We're so fucking dead," Bree said through the com.

Jason heard Kalligan sigh audibly. The ex-Electro-Smith's apprentice had been working non-stop for almost four days straight, trying desperately to figure out how to expand the com's range outside of the city in the hope that he could reach the Liberators' camp. If they could get a hold of Kevyn or Sterling, he'd said, they could break out easily. But without the answer to the final question on the security lock, they were stuck.

"Maybe if I do this..." There was a gentle clattering. A small piece of metal striking stone. "No, damn it. Dropped the pin."

Jason rolled his eyes. He waited for the inevitable retort or remark about how he wasn't even doing anything and therefore shouldn't judge those who were, before realizing that Kalligan couldn't actually see him. "No pressure, Kallie. Just waiting to die in a cold, gross ex-sex-dungeon," he said. "I mean, big fucking deal, right?"

"They already took Sabrina," Bree sounded anxious and ready to fight. "She's dead. We have to assume that. Which means that if they try to take anyone else, we have to kill the guards before they kill us."

"We don't know Sabrina's dead," Jason pointed out. But he wasn't optimistic. Unless Morgan had miraculously managed to convince Skyler to let the other Shifter go, there was very little hope that Sabrina was still alive.

"On the subject of Sabrina," he started slowly, realization crashing over him in a cold wave, "why didn't you asshats get out when they opened the cell? I mean, she was in with you, right?"

"Wrong," said Kalligan. "She was in a separate cell." There was unfamiliar weariness in his voice. Like he was fighting back a constant, deep, abiding pain. Ever since being kidnapped by the Cult of Deyanira a week before, he'd seemed distant and paranoid, shutting everyone out as much as he could. Jason had worried but refused to say anything. Kalligan was technically a grown man; if he wanted to talk about it, he'd talk. Until then, Jason would just have to do whatever he could to support his friend.

"Yeah, Captain." Bree's tone was biting but more playful than before. "What kind of asshats do you take us for?"

"Asshatty asshats," Jason said absently. "Are you guys idiots? I mean, duh. What other kind is there?" He couldn't help but smile when he heard Kalligan and Bree's twin sighs of exasperation on the other side.

"Wait, Jason. I've got an idea." Kalligan said. "What if I open up the com system to the other cell blocks? Maybe some of the prisoners in those can help."

"How?" Bree and Jason asked in synchrony.

Jason scrubbed a hand across his face. "Look, Kallie. Most of the guys down here aren't even Nathandrian. Other than us, it's probably just prisoners of war in this dump. And thieves and shit from the forests and villages, maybe. You really think any of those losers are gonna have info on how to break this lock?"

"No," Kalligan agreed. He sounded extremely put-off. "Just thought it was worth a try."

"Might be entertaining," Bree added. "I mean, Kalligan could keep working on expanding the com's range, and Jason and I could try to get what we can out of the other prisoners. At least they probably all hate Skyler, so we'll have a common interest to talk about."

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