Chapter 2

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The next day was a bright day. The whole family was gathered outside the house of Dewhite, as well as half of the villagers who wanted to see the newest couple, a glimpse of a life they could not attain.  The carriage drew up and after several moments Jacqueline knew it was time to present herself to these men, to not fail her family.

Jacqueline curtsied at the men watching her. Her mother's orders for her to be dressed in a neat blue dress her hair in a low loose bun with a sliver net underneath, made her feel much more confident. She had been subject to pampering all morning and it tired her but made her feel different, new, a woman.

For this purpose, it was her chance to be a good girl, to be a successful woman. “Mistress De White," A man of about forty summers kissed her palm, as due; she bobbed a curtsy in return removing her hand slightly.

"My lord," She looked at the floor, hoping her father hadn't planned to marry her to him.

She was not a fool, she was of marriageable age now, perfect for children and her father had a long absence with stern orders to the staff to keep her well-kept and well fed. Like an animal for the slaughter, she had been massaged, dressed finely and even now allowed to show some cleavage.

But she wouldn't want to marry a man the equal of her father. The marriage bed would be torture, she knew fleshy things were not important but she still prayed he would be somewhat nice, somewhat approachable. Somewhat able to discuss her shyness towards fleshy things, it would be a new world to her and she wanted to be eased into it.

"My son will be arriving soon he has a meeting and I hope he will satisfy you as a husband." The man stated. Jacqueline breathed a sigh of relief, smiling.

Before he pressing his hand on her stomach continued to talk, her smile quickly fled. "And I hope you will produce many a fine heir your stomach and shape is made for it." His hand was still on her stomach her father did not even look at her face whilst her mother encouraged it.

She stayed silent, her parents both glaring at her embarrassed, she answered. "Yes sir I hope to have many sons for son too," He smiled and with one last pat moved towards her two older brothers.

The both bowed in unison; she could hear part of their conversation from further down the line. "An honour that such lowly servants will be related to such nobles......."

"May god bless their union and give them many a healthy child....." That was obviously William, the future clergyman of the family and the most devout even compared their father.

Jacqueline stood silent trying to figure out anything about this Dominic through their conversation. He played sports. Well that's a start maybe he would let her player for she had never even touched a tennis bat before.

"Jacqueline we are going inside," Her mother called as everyone went inside. William escorting Jacqueline they walked inside.

"William do you know his son?" She gestured discreetly to the visitor.

William shook his head, frowning. "He has been at court all his life a high solider to his Majesty that is all I know a devout Christian too that is all I know, sister."

Jacqueline stayed quiet. The definition of a solider, a man who fought and trained and oozed power, she had always feared soldiers. She was being married to a solider, she remembered as child her and Thomas, her other brother, had played damsel in distress.

When they use to play, it was fun. He was the brave knight and sometimes she would rescue him as he attached a cloth to his head in pretence of female hair. Until her father stopped him in vain of disgracing himself. She had always been closer to William after that, he gave his all obedience to god and no human.

Thomas frowned at them; he must have heard what they are saying. "Do not gossip like useless unkempt women" He snarled quietly at them, his red hair in his way he moved it out before directing his gaze at William.

"Yes brother," They whispered, Thomas smirked, he was like a lot of men wanting to control every aspect of his inferiors lives. Always being the bully of the three as the favourite he had been brought up in almost luxury as a baron and soon to be knight of his Majesty.

He continued walking with his fiancée, a beautiful woman she had been the baker’s daughter and the elevation to a soldier's wife who had a clergy family bewildered her, she was very quiet but according to Thomas not quiet in the bed chamber.

"You will meet him today anyway sister I hope he is a good man," William squeezed her hand gently.

"Thank you Will," He smiled at her before turning inside the dining room. Gracefully sitting on the chair offered Jacqueline looked around.

Her mother and father sitting together at the head table, her mother on the left side whilst the guest of honour her soon to be father in law sat on the right.

William was talking to Thomas whilst Amelia, Thomas' fiancée sat quietly occasionally smiling at her. She smiled back before the meal was served.

A quick grace was said and food steadily handed out, neither of them being married William served his sister as she did him. They ate silently, the noise of Jacqueline's blue dress ruffling against the table.

William clad in a white shirt and trousers he had the cross fully visible even though he hid his well tones muscles. He stuck a tongue out at the new member of their family but he was oblivious to it and Jacqueline giggled, hitting William on the thigh to stop.

"Miss Dewhite," She looked up sharply hearing her name from his lips.

"Yes sir?" He smiled at her his hair sliver and blond etched deeply he was not ugly but imposing. It must come with nobility, her husband was nobility.

"My son should be coming soon, I hope you’re excited?" The guests looked at her, a small dinner but larger than she was used to she felt stared at. She felt as if she was being judged.

"I am very excited sir, I have always wanted to know who my future husband would be" She answered honestly only William catching the acid in her tone when she said the word husband.

The guests laughed and then they nodded and beaming continued to eat.

"Your tone sister," William finally spoke. "The man is an idiot to of not heard your anger."

"I'm sorry brother," He silently smiled, her sister had a humility streak that made her understand things some woman could not, she knew he was protecting her. A harsh comment he could take but other men would punish her- including her husband.

The men in this area wanted meek subservient woman, they would beat, insult, humiliate their wives to bend them to his will. He hoped that his sister would have a good man. "Sister, excuse me I am to pray," She nodded as he kissed her cheek lightly.

"And sister, be good, I wouldn't want a dead father in law." Gesturing towards the noble man, who was now half drunk and screaming, which Jacqueline hated in a man, at the staff to get him a bed.

Jacqueline laughed wishing she had her bow and arrow, and he left.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now