Chapter 25

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Jacqueline was in 'their parlour'. She had been in Dominic's presence for the whole day, his solution after yesterday's 'issue'. Lord Wilson's running away, the man with the flower, Thomas. It all added up to the reason why she had become Dominic's prisoner for the day.

She had not been allowed to see anyone and Alice had not been allowed to talk to her. Dominic had watched her dress and change, to make sure of it. Then he had taken her to the parlour for the breaking of their fasts.

He had been as impolite as the beginning of their, so called, marriage. He had slapped her again, as soon as they entered the bedroom but she had not cried, not simpered and took her punishment. She had slept on the floor that night and Dominic continued to object, before he fell asleep. His snores gentler then his voice.

The door unlocked and Jacqueline bit her lip, using the small ounce of hope left it was William, or Francis. The door opened and a man leaned against the frame of it.

Jacqueline stared at the man, his long flowing blond hair, his clothes smart and he bowed low."Edmund Smith you scared, my wife," Dominic snapped, the man bowed again and with Dominic's permission entered the parlour.

She observed him, his blue eyes flicked over her and she held her gaze"Madame countess," She was soothed by his voice, masculine yet soothing. She looked up. He did not scare her. Her anger filled husband frightened her more but she held her tongue and took the pleasantries given.

"Yes,"He smiled at her and she outstretched her hand. He kissed it. It felt warm.

"Forgive my intrusion, countess I was just here to say Father William is a credit to your family."

William. Dominic's sneer was still etched in her mind and frowning she focused her gaze onto the man."Thank you"

The room fell into an awkward silence"Your newly engaged Edmund ?"staring at the ring on his finger. Dominic felt pity for the man. No woman was worth the sparkly jewelled ring on his finger.

The man nodded slowly"To whom Monsieur if I may?"Jacqueline asked.

Dominic sharply glanced and Edmund catching his friends glower he quickly interrupted him"Yes his majesty has arranged my marriage to a young woman called Miss Amelia Smith."

He paused and Jacqueline thought how lucky it was she didn't have to change the intials on her surname. Or her surname.

"And has given the wench a stipend for when we wed." His voice sounded even more pleased with that and he signed, content.

Jacqueline fiddled with her fingers. The name strangely familiar to her. Amelia ! William's maid servant ! She blinked back her recognition and nodded slowly."I wish you a happy marriage sir"

Dominic bit his lip and refrained from interrupting with the news. He would hear it anyway, court was a gossip hole. Dominic wouldn't crush the man, he would wait and watch him fall.

He in response raised a glass. Dominic took one and Jacqueline sighed and walked out. She was bored and she knew William was around.


Jacqueline felt free, she was wondering a castle with not a care in the world. Taking a deep breath she decided she wouldn't go outside, Francis had organised a picnic and she had refused his invitation on the grounds of staying with her husband and feeling unwell. Dominic had ordered she do it or her punishments would get much worse.

If he caught her she would of lied. To a king and the shame brought with that she couldn't even think of."My lady."

Jacqueline looked up, a man, that man."Mr Thomas."

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now