Chapter 9

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William froze as he saw the royal carriage outside his manor, he frowned silently returning from chapel all he had wished for was a bath, food and rest with a good book. The crest of the royal family was recognisable to everyone, including peasants, and it normally meant bad news.

He straightened his clothing before entering his house. "Father William, his majesty is in your study," A maid curtsied toward him; smiling at her he nodded accepting the towel and water he cleaned his face.

"Thank you Amelia," He smiled again, as she beamed probably shocked at how her local priest knew her name. "You are my parish member, and it is my duty to remember everyone as an equal human being."

She giggles lightly and gestured towards the room curtsying again. "Good night,"

“I am as equal as you," He paused looking at his shoes frowning and wiping it on the corner of the carpet.

She smiled, he was so humble even though he was so great.

 "Get some rest and I will see you in chapel tomorrow," She nodded and smiling went off to her room, as William bound up the stairs. William looked back at her fire long hair flowing as she walked.

Opening the door hesitatingly, he did not trust his maid. Last time she had left a woman in his room with the intent of pleasing him after his depressing ending of courtship with a village girl. She had said god was in the room. And he had believed her. This time his head came first as he flung the door open. "Amelia what are you talki-"

Indeed there was a king inside his parlour. Wearing a black riding clock his clothes were of the finest gold and red. William had never seen the king before, and as a child only heard stories of him and news of his arrival into their town. "Father Dewhite"

The sovereign shook him out of his thoughts. "Y-Yes, your majesty," He bowed and kneeled one leg towards his king. Staring at his impeccably clean black shoes, he wondered if he was going to kill him there and then or take him to prison. Why was the king in his house?

"Please sir, this is your home I am your guest I should be the one honouring you, your kind wife taking care of me. Please take a seat, as your king I say this."

William nodded wordlessly. Confusion swept over him. Why was he here? It must have been good as he was smiling but nether less a kings ire could change in an instant. Who was this wife ? He hadn't been married well not that he had known off his hand free from any wedding rings and his mind free of any wedding memories. Unless he had been drugged? Shaking his head at the absurd thought he poured himself a glass of wine.

"I have come today to see how Dominic was being your brother in law and a husband has made him abandoned this old man slightly." He chuckled at his own joke.

"I have not seen my brother in law since his last official visit," William answered truthfully, his mind itched, he wanted to get back to his sister. He hadn't seen how she was. "My king," He added belatedly.

"Is there something the matter Father?" William shook his head lying, well even if there was the king of France wasn't exactly your best man you could tell everything.

The room grew quiet. William drowning in his thoughts and Francis fixing his clock, both men were feeling awkward. The room was painful to be in, until there was a knock at the door. "Enter"

"I have some beverages master." Amelia called from behind the door William answered in the affirmative at her question if he wanted them.

She entered, wearing her uniform still; her auburn chestnut hair was tied up in a loose bun. She put down the drinks and curtsying towards the king and after her master she turned to leave. "Goodnight Mistress Haert, I hope this time you will actually go to bed,”

She arched an eyebrow; he knew perfectly well she never slept till at least three. Getting her duties down before he went to work and sleeping in the day and when he returned fixing him a meal and whatever else he required. "I shall Father," She curtsied again and shut the door behind her.

"She is smitten with you, your wife," The king took one of the new drinks off his tray.

"She is not my wife she's my maid your majesty," William retorted, the joke.

She would never go for someone bound by God. He hoped his books would rule his heart so nothing else could take it from him. It was all he had.

Slamming his drink, in pain, that he wouldn't even ever be loved by another woman outside his family he rejected any ideas of a wonderful wife.  He was startled when the king coughed. William looked up.

The king laughed. “You look furious that such a lovely woman admires you. She is smart also, as I entered she was reading and prepared me a room which I must retire to I have had a long ride here,"

"As you wish my lord, and Mistress Haert would never go for the likes of me. She is adored by the village wanted by many." William recalled her, laughing and playing with the children after mass. She looked so free. He wouldn't even bother her with the chore of marry such a man as him.

Francis simply tapped his nose in response and blessed William a peaceful sleep.

Bowing towards the king he opened the door and headed to his room, he needed some sleep. Hearing a knock on the window he turned around and almost swore. That is bad for a priest.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now